Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting            -           Wednesday 3rd September 2003



Welcome to the Parish Council

After several months of looking for new Parish councilors, we welcome Archie Mackie onto the Parish Council, thus bring us back up to the full complement of nine.




1/W/2003/1243  103 Southover  - Erect front porch  (granted)


1/W/2003/????  Magnolia Farm  - Erect two story extension (granted)


1/W/2003/????  Greenwick Cottage  - Erect wooden clad extension (granted)


1/W/2003/0908  Burton Bradstock Cars - Erect extension and offices (minor amendment)


1/W/2003/1466  Shadrach Stores - change of shop to dwelling (retrospective)


1/W/2003/0150  Bredy Farm - Erect Loggia (Amended)


1/W/2003/????  14 Beach Road - demolish and replace existing conservatory.


1/W/2003/0286  Bridport Golf Club - Erect 4 dwellings.

This is a new application for the site of the old clubhouse which has recently been demolished.  A recent application for 5 dwellings on this site was refused and currently at the appeal stage under section 78.  From the plans it was hard to see the impact of the building, but it was felt that this is over development of the site which contained the clubhouse and pro shop.  The Parish Council will put our views forward to the planning committee.


Youth Club

Youth Club resumes in the Reading Room on Friday 19th September. If anybody has a spare couple of hours on Friday evenings (7.00 - 9.30pm) and would like to help with the supervision of this club, please contact Fel Moore or Elise Ripley.


Hive Beach Café

The extension of the lease with Steve is now in the hands of the solicitors and soon to be completed.  This means you can continue to enjoy the fantastic facilities the Hive Beach Café has to offer, especially in the new covered awning with the lovely views of the Jurassic Coast.


Any Other Business?

Cllr. Tony Smith is working hard this year on the maintenance of our footpaths.  If you walk a route that needs some attention, please contact Tony and he will look at what needs to be done.


There was some concern expressed about the spraying of "weeds" around the village.  Some of these are in fact rather pretty flowers that enhance the beauty of certain areas of our village.  The clerk is to investigate the WDDC weed spraying policies.