Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting            -           Wednesday 3rd December 2003


A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all from Burton Bradstock Parish Council..



After careful consideration of the budget for the coming year, the Parish Council voted to increase the amount of Precept to £7000 for the year 2004/5.  Along with the regular expenditure, the possible additional cost of helping the WI transfer their hall to the village, will at some stage need some financial support.  The Parish Council would need to have the funds available if required.




Plans granted

1/W/03/002131  Casterbridge, Annings Lane - Erect conservatory and new dormer window


1/W/2003/1990  Overlands, Shipton Lane - Erect single story rear extension


1/W/03/001991  Larkfield Caravan Park, Bredy Road - Replace 42 existing caravans with                20 Timber Cabins and construct service road.



Affordable Housing

The Parish Council agreed that we should ascertain the need within the village for Affordable Housing.  A survey from the Dorset Community Action housing team will be with the January edition of the BVN.  Please look out for this form.  It is important that we get a representative view on this matter, and whether you need affordable housing in your family or not, the first section on the form is still applicable.


WI Hall

The WI are looking at passing the responsibility of the hall to a 'Village Hall Trust'.  The Parish Council are looking at the logistics of how this will be done


Any Other Business?

The new National Trust warden for our area will be Helen Mann, who replaces Patrick Woodford in March 2004.  She will take on the roll of liaising with the Hive Beach Management Committee and the Parish Council.


Village Green - In the New Year we will be looking at the removal of excessive Ivy from the Sycamore and the permanent fixing of the loose kerb stones on the corners of the green.