Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 6th March 2002

Do you want to be a Parish councillor?

There is still a vacancy to become a Parish Councillor on BBPC. Anybody from the Parish of Burton Bradstock interested in applying for one of these interesting and worthy posts should contact Mr Fel Moore (village clerk) on 01308-459001. The Parish Council will be co-opting for these positions in the near future.

Post Office

The Parish Council is pleased to be the proud new owner of our village Post Office. The new tenants will be Peter & Pat Dutton, who will take over the reigns (assuming their training goes well!) on the 28th March. In the near future, we are sorry for any inconvenience that may be caused as we renovate the Post Office (including new thatch!). Thank you for your continued support of our village post office and please pop in to wish Peter and Pat well in their new venture.

Vital Villages

We are still putting together the framework for our own Vital Village Plan. All those Parishioners that attended the meeting back in October and showed an interest in helping out, please rest assured, we will be contacting you in the near future.



1/W2001/1826 Cider House, Southover - Removal of eastern porch and door.


1/W2002/0292 High View, Shipton Lane - erect dormer windows


Convert stables Grove Road/Darby Lane

Golden Jubilee

Plans are coming together for our celebrations in June. Children's Tea Party, Family Barn Dance, and a permanent memorial are just some of the proposed ideas. All the village youngsters will be given a commemorative mug and us older folk can buy one in the Post Office nearer the time.I will keep you posted.

Any Other Business?

Young Peoples Meeting - Any young people who would like to come along to the Reading Room on Friday 15th March at 6.30pm and chat about what we in Burton Bradstock can do for the youth, please feel free to just turn up! The meeting is very informal and a chance to decide what you want to do in the village. We can also chat about the new Mountain boarding park that is being created in BB as we speak.details to follow!

Darren Batten


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