Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 8th May 2002

BBPC welcomes our new Chairman.

Cllr Mike Southgate is the new Chairman of the Parish Council, with Cllr Freddy Tame continuing as Vice Chairman. We thank Cllr Norman Thompson for his hard work over the last three years at the helm and welcome him back into the ranks of Parish Councilor!


Queen's Golden jubilee Celebrations

Please come along and support Burton Bradstock's celebrations over the Golden Jubilee week, the events being planned are:

30th, 31st May & 1st June WI Hall - Burton Bradstock Players 'Relative Values' by Noel Coward

Sunday 2nd June St Mary's Church Service

Monday 3rd June

3.30pm - 4.30pm Rectory Garden (or WI Hall if wet!) Royal theme fancy dress parade, followed by a Tea Party for all Burton Bradstock Primary School children and any village child up to 11 years of age. (Playgroup age children may be accompanied by an adult)

4.30pm Punch & Judy, Entertainment and Games!

5.30pm Presentation of Memorial Mugs to all village residents under 17 years of age and all pupils of Burton Bradstock School

7.30pm - 10.30pm WI Hall - Family Barn Dance - Tickets in advance from School, Post Office and Shop - Adults £2 Children £1. Bring your own food and drink!!! (tickets limited to 100, so first come first served)

10.45pm Beacon lighting on village green and launching of Jubilee Rocket.

Tuesday 4th June WI Spring Fair in the village

Wednesday 5th June To be arranged

Thursday 6th June WI Fashion Show and Supper

Friday 7th June Evening event to be arranged for village teenagers (Disco?)

Saturday 8th June WI Hall - 3.00 -4.30pm Over 60's Tea Party

Also please don't forget to sigh the Jubilee Book (in the Library or Post Office) and please

take time to look at the village 'Jubilee Wishing Tree' (on the village green!)




1/W/2002/0603 The Orchard Plot, Gages Lane. Erect new dwelling, garage and vehicular access.

1/W/2002/0654 Bredy Lane Farm. Change of use from agriculture to non-motorised recreation.


Young Peoples Group

If you have a spare couple of hours on a Friday evening, why not come along and oversee the activities of the village youngsters? They meet in the Reading Room (or often in the Playing Fields!) 7.00 - 9.30pm. So if you fancy a game of football with them, we need a few volunteers just to be there to 'supervise' as and when they are needed. The young people run their own group, but will let us older folk join in!

Any Other Business?

Stephanie Sutton, the Bridport Town Coordinator, gave a presentation on the future of Burton Bradstock as part of the bigger picture.! There is adequate funding in place for us to work alongside Bridport to research what we want our village to be like in the long term? Do we have sufficient housing needs, schooling, healthcare, transport, sports facilities in Bridport and the surrounding Parishes? This is our chance, as part of the ongoing "Market and Coastal Towns Initiative" to voice our concerns. Please feel free to contact any Parish councilor if you have any ideas...