Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting        

Wednesday 26th March 2003

Please note that this meeting is an early APRIL meeting of the Parish Council.

Do you want to be a Parish councilor?

As you may be aware, the Parish Council is up for renewal on May 1st 2003.  As we have only 5 or 6 current councilors re standing there will be no election.  We have vacancies for 9 councilors, so if you do want to be involved you can still be co-opted onto the Parish Council after the 1st May. If you are interested, please contact Fel Moore (clerk) on 01308 459001 or any Parish Councilor.



1/W/2003/????  Plenty House, Shipton Lane.             Erect timber Frame Car Port and Store.


Youth Club

The new Youth Club in the village continues to go from strength to strength, with 20 or so youngsters attending on Friday evenings in the Reading Room. If anybody has a spare couple of hours on Friday evenings (7.00 - 9.30pm) and would like to help with the supervision of this club, please contact Fel Moore or Elise Ripley.

Annual Parish Meeting

If you want to find out more about what your Parish Council do and spend your money on do come along to the WI Hall on Wednesday 23rd April at 7.30pm.  The Parish Councilors will be there to speak about their roles and you will have a chance to hear more about what is happening in Burton Bradstock.

Mobile Police Unit

This will be located opposite the WI Hall on Thursday 10th April from 4.30 - 6.30pm.  Why not go along and get your mobile phone security coded for free or buy a Shed Alarm at the discount price of just £10.The community officers are always pleased to see you and answer any questions you may have.

Hive Beach Café

The Parish Council are currently in discussions with Steve Attrill on the extension of his lease on the café.  Do you use the café? Are you happy with the way the Parish Council and Steve are running the operation? Any views, please let the Parish Council know what you think..It will help us to continue running the café in the best way to suit all your needs.


Any Other Business?

Have you smelt a mystery 'Pong' in the village?  Not the annual country smell of our farmers spreading on their fields, but a new 'synthetic' or 'plastic' smell????  If you have please give Cllr. Darren Batten a call on 897944 as we are currently trying to ascertain the extent and cause of this mystery...

Vice Chairman retires.!

The Parish Council would like to say a huge thankyou to Cllr. Freddy Tame, who has retired after 8 years (the last 4 as Vice Chairman) We wish him a happy retirement from council duties.

Also, a big thankyou to Cllr. John Ivall, who after a good few years service, is leaving the Parish Council to spend more time with family in Canada.  We look forward to catching up with John and Barbara on their brief visits back to Burton Bradstock!!!