Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting            -           Wednesday 2nd June 2004


At the start of each new financial year, the Parish Council must re-elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman. Also we must allocate responsibilities to each councilor.


Election of Officers

Mike Southgate was re-elected as Chairman, with Elise Ripley continuing as Vice-Chairman.


Committee's allocation of duties.


Cllr. Darren Batten                          Planning. Website.

Cllr. Celia Cummins             Post Office. Parish Plan.

Cllr. Jim Harding                      Planning. Traffic Action.

Cllr. Archie Mackie                       Village Hall. Parish Plan.

Cllr. Elise Ripley            Hive Beach (Chair). Parish Plan.

Cllr. Leon Sea                 Transport. Environment.

Cllr. Tony Smith              Footpaths. Allotments. Hive Beach. Planning.

Cllr. Mike Southgate            Planning (Chair). Post Office. Website. Broadmayne Charity

Cllr. Barry Tebbs            Tree Warden. Hive Beach. Post Office. Parish Plan.



Application Withdrawn.

1/W/1999/000644            Scout Hut, Bredy Road - amendment to position of building and construct additional storage space.


1/W/04/000791            1 & 2 High Street - construct pedestrian access.


1/W/04/000602            13 Hive Close - install 2 dormer windows and carry out roof conversion


Waste Transfer Site

A site on Burton Road (adjacent to Wych Farm Water Works) had again been put forward as the proposed site for SITA's Waste Transfer Site. This application has now been 'deferred' whilst other sites are investigated.  If you have any views on this matter please contact Cllr.Leon Sea (01308 898224) to discuss the issue.  The detailed plans are available for viewing in the village Library. We need to keep up the pressure to stop this development happening!


Road Safety

The speed of traffic throughout the village is a cause for concern.  We are currently investigating the feasibility of a 20mph speed limit and possible traffic calming methods throughout the village.  If you have any thoughts on this matter please contact Cllr. Jim Harding.


Any Other Business?

New Dial-a-Ride service to Burton Bradstock - This new bus service for individuals that for any reason CANNOT use public transport will be available from Friday 4th June 2004.  For details of this service please see the BVN and posters in village stores.  Any questions, please contact Cllr. Leon Sea.


Cllr Darren Batten