Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 3rd November 2004
We have a vacancy on Burton Bradstock Parish Council. If you are interested in joining us please contact Fel Moore (Clerk) on 01308 459001.
Affordable Housing - A presentation by A Lloyd (DCA Housing) and P Cronk (Raglan Homes)
A proposed site has been offered to Raglan Homes for the construction of a proposed 10 affordable homes in Burton Bradstock . The site is to the east of North Hill Close within the proposed development boundary. The site would consist of a variety of 'shared equity' and houses for rent, but may also incorporate some commercial housing as part of the overall development. The timescale for the development is, planning permission by March 05, funding in place by August 05 and final completion by December 05. If you have a housing need or If you have any views on this matter please contact any Parish Councilor.
!/W/04/001747 Barton Olivers, Cliff Road - Erect first floor extension and single story extension.
Following a site meeting it was agreed that this development would enhance the existing building and we have no objections.
1/W/04/001713 37 Annings Lane - Extension of existing garage to provide living accommodation in roof void, including external access stairs.
1/W/04/001853 Grove House. Install solar water heating collectors to east and west elevations.
Burton Bradstock Playgroup.
Following a recent change in leadership and a number of children reaching school age, the
playgroup numbers have fallen leading to a few short term financial worries. If you do have
children of playgroup age, or have any ideas for fund raising please consider contacting the
playgroup. The Parish Council has agreed to give the playgroup a donation of £500 to help
out, but if the group is not utilised by the village it may be sadly lost.
Cllr. Elise Ripley is now working hard on putting together a Vital Villages Plan for Burton Bradstock. If you have any ideas on the future of the village or would like to get involved, please contact Elise on 01308 897010. The next meeting is 6.30pm on Thursday 2nd December in the Reading Room.
At this time of year during high winds, a few trees in the Parish have suffered. If you do see a tree that is dangerous or needs attention, please call any councilor so they can deal with the matter promptly.
The next PC meeting will be Wednesday 2nd December.'Mince Pies and a glass of Wine for all' please come along and see what your Parish Council is about!
Darren Batten