Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting            -           Wednesday 4th February 2004



Housing Needs Survey

Please look out for an addition to the March issue of the Bride Valley News.  A copy of the Housing Needs Survey will require your attention.  Even if you do not personally feel that you are in need of 'affordable' or 'low cost' housing, you still need to fill in the questionnaire if you want your thoughts to be considered.





1/W/03/002363        103 Southover - demolish timber lean-to and erect two story extension

1/W/03/002315            3 Bindbarrow Road - Demolish single detached garage and erect  extension comprising of garage and bedroom.


1/W/03/002487            Avoca, Barr Lane - Remove existing single garage & erect double garage.

1/W/03/002014            Shadrach Stores - Change of use of ground floor shop to dwelling (Retrospective)

1/W/04/000066            20 Shadrach - Re-align & re-thatch South and East side and replace &renew all perished timbers (Retrospective)

1/W/04/00????            Cliff Farm House - Demolish shed and erect single story annex.


Refusal & Subsequent Appeal                                               

1/W/03/001991            Larkfield Caravan Park. Remove 40 touring caravans and replace with 20 Timber Cabins and construct service road.           


Waste Transfer Site

A site on Burton Road (adjacent to Wych Farm Water Works) has again been put forward as the proposed site for SITA's Waste Transfer Site. If you have any views on this matter please contact Cllr.Leon Sea (01308 898224) to discuss the issue.  The planning application has now been posted.  The detailed plans are available for viewing in the village Library.  If you have any objections they have to be in before the 1st March!


Jurassic Digger

For many months we have been trying to trace the owner of the abandoned digger in a field adjacent to the Coast Road at the Eastern end of the village.  Do you know the owner of this digger or the field on which it stands?  Is this big yellow dinosaur is becoming a landmark?  does it ruin your enjoyment of the Jurassic Coast?  What can we do to get it moved? Please contact Cllr. Darren Batten (01308 897944) if you have any suggestions.


Any Other Business?

Village Hall - The parish Council representative on the Hall Committee is Archie Mackie.  All local user groups are represented and will have the task of modeling the future of the village hall.


Darren Batten