Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting            -           Wednesday 6th October 2004


Do you want to be a Parish Councillor?

Following the recent resignation of Cllr. Leon Sea, we now have a vacancy on Burton Bradstock Parish Council.  If you are interested in joining us please contact Fel Moore (Clerk) on 01308 459001.




!/W/04/001747            Barton Olivers, Cliff Road - Erect first floor extension and single story extension.

                                    Following a site meeting it was agreed that this development would enhance the existing building and we have no objections.


1/W/04/001713            37 Annings Lane - Extension of existing garage to provide living accommodation in roof void, including external access stairs.



Road Safety

The speed of traffic throughout the village is a cause for concern.  We are currently investigating the feasibility of a 20mph speed limit and possible traffic calming methods throughout the village. In the near future a sign that flashes up the speeds of passing vehicles will be erected for a short period. If you have any thoughts on these matters please contact Cllr. Jim Harding.


Vital Villages

Cllr. Elise Ripley is now working hard on putting together a Vital Villages Plan for Burton Bradstock.  If you have any ideas on the future of the village or would like to get involved, please contact Elise on 01308 897010.


Affordable Housing

Following a recent survey by Dorset Community Action (housing department) into the requirement of affordable housing in the village, we are hoping to get DCA to attend the November Parish Council meeting to update us on the situation. Please refer to the PC notice board for further information.


Any Other Business?

We will soon be erecting 'Dog Bins' around the village for all the responsible dog owners that 'poop and scoop'.  Please ensure you use these bins when cleaning up after your dog!  If you can think of a location where a bin would be useful, please contact the clerk.

Cllr Darren Batten