Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 7th January 2004
Please look out for an addition to the February issue of the Bride Valley News. A copy of the Housing Needs Survey will require your attention. Even if you do not personally feel that you are in need of 'affordable' or 'low cost' housing, you still need to fill in the questionnaire if you want your thoughts to be considered.
1/W/03/00???? 1 North Hill Close - Erect Satellite dish
1/W/03/001853 Shadrach House - Partial demolition to remove swimming pool enclosure
1/W/03/002363 103 Southover - demolish timber lean-to and erect two story extension
1/W/03/002315 3 Bindbarrow Road - Demolish single detached garage and erect extension comprising of garage and bedroom.
The WI are looking at passing the responsibility of the hall to a 'Village Hall Trust'. The Parish Council are looking at the logistics of how this will be done. There will be an open meeting on Tuesday 20th January 2004 at 7.30pm in the WI Hall to discuss this subject.
Waste Transfer Site
A site on Burton Road (adjacent to Wych Farm Water Works) has again been put forward as the proposed site for SITA's Waste Transfer Site. If you have any views on this matter please contact Cllr.Leon Sea (01308 898224) to discuss the issue. The planning application is not yet in place, but is expected in the near future!
The new National Trust warden for our area will be Helen Mann, who replaces Patrick Woodford in March 2004. She will take on the roll of liaising with the Hive Beach Management Committee and the Parish Council.
20 MPH speed limit through village - It was agreed that we should pursue a reduced speed limit on the main road through the village to improve pedestrian safety. We will also be seeking the provision of a footpath between Mill Street and Shadrach Stores.
Burton Bradstock Parish Council pledge their support for the West Bay Sea Angling Jetty.
Darren Batten