Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 7th April 2004
There was considerable debate regarding the cost of car parking during the 'off - season'. It was proposed that the Hive Beach Management Committee look into this matter and make a proposal to the Parish council. Do you have any thoughts on the matter? Is it too expensive to pay £2 if you're popping in the Hive Café for a coffee or lunch? When should we start charging for parking? Should we change the whole set up of how the car park is managed? Please put your views in writing to the Parish Council - we are your representatives!
1/W/04/000066 20 Shadrach - Re-thatch South and East side and replace roof timbers. (Retrospective)
1/W/04/000115 Cliff Farm House - Demolish shed and erect single story annex to existing house.
Refusal of Outline Planning Permission
1/W/03/002432 Barrowfield, Barr Lane. Develop land by the erection of a bungalow and modify existing vehicular access.
1/W/04/000505 34 Annings Lane - Erect rear extension
1/W/04/000??? 13 Hive Close - Install 2 dormer windows and carry out roof space conversion.
1/W/04/000??? The Cot, Shipton Lane - Demolish existing dwelling, erect 3 houses and modify vehicular access.
1/W/04/000??? Scout Hut, Bredy Road - amendment to position of building and construct additional storage space.
The planning committee looked at all the plans for consultation, and have no objections.
A site on Burton Road (adjacent to Wych Farm Water Works) had again been put forward as the proposed site for SITA's Waste Transfer Site. This application has now been 'deferred' whilst other sites are investigated. If you have any views on this matter please contact Cllr.Leon Sea (01308 898224) to discuss the issue. The detailed plans are available for viewing in the village Library. We need to keep up the pressure to stop this development happening!
There is a planned Village Clean day proposed for Saturday 24th April (meet Reading Room 10 am) so we can spend a couple of hours tidying up the village. There will be 'Tea and Cakes' for all helpers in the Reading Room from 12 Noon.
Annual Parish Meeting - This will be on Wednesday 21st April in the Village Hall from 7.30pm. The guest speaker will be Mr Peter Mankin - Chief Executive of South West Dorset NHS Primary Care Trust, speaking on 'Improving Health in Rural Communities'
Darren Batten