Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 8th September 2004
After the summer break the Parish Council returned fully rested to tackle the challenges the village sets for us. Remember all you democrats, please try to attend our monthly meetings (1st Wednesday of each month) to see what we do and have your say. It is you, the villagers, we represent.
1/W/04/000602 13 Hive Close - Install 2 dormer windows and carry out roof conversion
1/W/04/?????? 17 Norburton - Erect extension.
1/W/04/001039 Fourwinds, Coast Road - Erect chalet bungalow
1/W/04/001146 Field near Bucklers Mead, Shipton Lane - Erect stables and modify vehicular access.
Both applications lie outside defined development boundry and have access problems, so therefore were refused.
1/W/04/?????? Larkfield Caravan Park - Construct 20 timber cabins to replave 43 touring caravans (PASSED)
1/W/04/002315 3 Bindbarrow - window height change.
1/W/04/?????? B+WD Golf Club, West Bay - Demolish old clubhouse, build 4 dwellings. (further details requested by the Parish Council on the specific amendment?)
The speed of traffic throughout the village is a cause for concern. We are currently investigating the feasibility of a 20mph speed limit and possible traffic calming methods throughout the village. We have also applied to have double yellow lines on the corner of Mill Street (outside Three Horseshoes) and corner of Charles Road at junction with Barr Lane. If you have any thoughts on these matters please contact Cllr. Jim Harding.
Cllr. Elise Ripley is now working hard on putting together a Vital Villages Plan for Burton Bradstock. If you have any ideas on the future of the village or would like to get involved, please contact Elise on 01308 897010.
Bequests to the village.
The Parish Council often get requests for us to accept a bequest for a loved one that has passed away. These requests are usually for a 'seat in memory of ..'. the Parish Council finds it increasingly difficult to find suitable locations for seats, so would be grateful if requests for other items, such as Notice Boards, Trees, Signs, etc. These could all have plaques and provide a lasting reminder to your loved ones and would also benefit the village
New Dial-a-Ride service to Burton Bradstock - This new bus service for individuals that for any reason CANNOT use public transport will be available from Friday 4th June 2004. For details of this service please see the BVN and posters in village stores. Any questions, please contact Cllr. Leon Sea.
Cllr Darren Batten