Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 10th March 2004
Do you have a few hours spare on Weekends and Bank Holidays in July and August? Fancy earning some money whilst meeting people and soaking up the sunshine? We are looking for part-time help at the Hive Beach Car Park. You must be 16 or over. Good rates of pay. Please contact the village clerk for more details.
1/W/03/002487 Avoca, Barr Lane - Remove existing single garage & erect double garage.
1/W/03/002014 Shadrach Stores - Change of use of ground floor shop to dwelling (Retrospective)
1/W/03/002432 Barrowfield, Barr Lane. Develop land by the erection of a bungalow and modify existing vehicular access.
The BBPC Planning Committee met on site and considered the proposed bungalow to be inadequate for the site. It was sited too close to existing dwellings in Barrowfield Close and was in fact a Chalet Bungalow that was similar height to adjacent house. The committee recommended the application be refused on these grounds.
A site on Burton Road (adjacent to Wych Farm Water Works) had again been put forward as the proposed site for SITA's Waste Transfer Site. this application has now been 'deferred' whilst other sites are investigated. If you have any views on this matter please contact Cllr.Leon Sea (01308 898224) to discuss the issue. The detailed plans are available for viewing in the village Library.
There is a planned Village Clean day proposed for Saturday 24th April (meet Reading Room 10 am) so we can spend a couple of hours tidying up the village. There will be 'Tea and Cakes' for all helpers in the Reading Room from 12 Noon.
If you see any pot holes that need filling, kerb stones that need replacing or signs that need cleaning, please let us know! There is a specialised team of workers at our disposal to help maintain the village.
For many months we have been trying to trace the owner of the abandoned digger in a field adjacent to the Coast Road at the Eastern end of the village. Do you know the owner of this digger or the field on which it stands? Is this big yellow dinosaur is becoming a landmark? does it ruin your enjoyment of the Jurassic Coast? What can we do to get it moved? Please contact Cllr. Darren Batten (01308 897944) if you have any suggestions.
Annual Parish Meeting - This will be on Wednesday 21st April in the Village Hall from 7.30pm.