Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting     -           Wednesday 5th January 2005


Do you want to be a Parish Councillor?

We have a vacancy on Burton Bradstock Parish Council.  If you are interested in joining us please contact Fel Moore (Clerk) on 01308 459001.




!/W/04/002127          5 Northover Close - Erect extension over existing garage.



1/W/04/?????           'Barrowfield', Barr Lane - Erect single dwelling and modify existing Vehicular access.

                                    The planning committee met and recommended refusal on the grounds that it overdeveloped the site and infringed on the neighbouring properties. The plans submitted also placed the new dwelling outside the confines of the plot and was inaccurate in its dimensions.


1/W/04/002035         29 Shadrach - Erect first floor extension over existing flat roof with new pitched roof.


1/W/04/001853         Grove House.  Install solar water heating collectors to east and west elevations.



Vital Villages

Cllr. Elise Ripley is now working hard on putting together a Vital Villages Plan for Burton Bradstock.  There will be an open meeting in the Village Hall on Saturday 29th January 10am - 4pm. If you have any ideas on the future of the village or would like to get involved, please contact Elise on 01308 897010.


Any Other Business?

Trafalgar Day Celebrations are to take place in August this year.  Cllr. Celia Cummins is putting together a programme of events.


Residents in Southover expressed concern at the volume of traffic using this road thinking there was access to the beach.  It was requested that we erect sings to say 'no access to beach' on the corner of Cliff Road.  There was also concern regarding the prolonged development of buildings to the rear of KRS Service Station.


The next PC meeting will be Wednesday 2nd February.Please come along to have your say!