Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 2nd March 2005
Burton Bradstock Parish Council are very pleased to have Mr Dave Venn join us. After several months of trying to find somebody to join us, we are now back to our full compliment of 9 Parish Councilors following the co-option of Dave at the March meeting.
!/W/05/000004 2 Barr Lane - Erect conservatory.
1/W/05/002376 Merlyns, Annings Lane - Demolish part of bungalow and erect 2 story extension and alter access.
1/W/05/000136 Longfleet, Shipton Lane - Increase roof height, erect 3 dormer windows to North-West and South-West elevations.
The planning committee have no objections
1/W/05/????? Little Orchard, Annings Lane - Install Solar Panels.
It was decided that we should enter Dorset's Best Kept Village competition again this year. The judging takes place in secret over the spring months, so can all villagers please try to help by keeping things clean and tidy at all times! The Parish Council are organizing a village clean up morning on Saturday 23rd April @ 10am (meet in the Reading Room) Please come along and help!
60th Anniversary of the ending of the 1939-45 war
Plans are being drawn up to organise a Tea Dance on Sunday 8th May (VE Day) and a Tea Party in the Rectory Gardens on 13th or 14th August (VJ Day). The Parish Council pledged a sum of £200 to help with the financing of these events, and more details will follow soon.
The next PC meeting will be Wednesday 6th April.Please come along to have your say!