Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting     -           Wednesday 6th April 2005


Freshwater Beach Holiday Park

Burton Bradstock Parish Council have received a couple of letters complaining at the general appearance of the earth moving works taking place on the northern edge of the site.  The Owner of Freshwater (Mr Rod Condliffe) attended the meeting to inform us that these are ongoing site improvement works for his customers.  He predicts with the improvement in weather conditions continuing he would hope to complete the works in the next couple of months.  Freshwater is a valued holiday destination for thousands of tourists, a large local employer, and continues to be important to the income to many local businesses.  West Dorset is committed to promoting tourism, and it was generally felt the Parish Council support Freshwater in the ongoing improvements they are making.




1/W/05/000136         Longfleet, Shipton Lane - Increase roof height, erect 3 dormer windows to North-West and South-West elevations.


1/W/05/000081         Culmore, Barr Lane - Addition of 3No. airwave antennas and 1No. GPS antenna to existing 12M mast with new ground based cabin in extension to existing compound.


1/W/05/?????           29 Shradrach - Replace existing ground floor building with extension and increase roof height.

                                    The planning committee had previously looked at a similar, rejected proposal for this site, and still feel that any alteration of this nature would be over-development of the site and be detrimental to neighbouring properties.      


1/W/05/?????           Rose Cottage, Mill Street - Remove existing flat roof on double garage and replace with pitched roof.

                                    No objections.


Village Clean

The Parish Council are organising a village clean up morning on Saturday 23rd April @ 10am (meet in the Reading Room) Please come along and help!


Annual Parish Meeting

To be held in the village hall on Wednesday 4th May @ 7.30pm.  Guest speaker will be Mr Tim Westwood (WDDC Transport and Road Safety Manager).  Please come along and find out what the Parish Council does for you!


Any Other Business?

Phone Box Removal - The phone box in Annings Lane is earmarked for removal due to lack of use!  Do you want it to stay..contact any Parish Councilor!


Next Parish Council will be Wednesday 11th May @ 7.30pm in the Reading Room.

Darren Batten