Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting     -           Wednesday 6th July 2005


Play Area & Equipment

The children's play area in the village is in need of repair and replacement.  We are currently considering a working party being formed to remove the existing equipment that has been deemed 'unsafe' in the latest Wicksteed inspection.  The cost for Wicksteed to remove this equipment is over £3000!  If you have any expertise in cutting up and removing slides and swings, please contact Cllr. Dave Venn on 01308 897094.

Replacement equipment is currently being sourced.  Early indications are that we need to set aside a sum of some £20 000 to refurbish this valued children's play area.  If you would like to make a donation or sponsor any equipment, please contact Cllr. Venn!!!




1/W/05/000804         Burton Bradstock School - First floor extension of staff room to provide resource room.



1/W/05/000911         Bridge Cottage Stores - Demolish existing sheds and derelict outbuilding and erect new outbuilding to for Tea Room with office/study facilities over.


1/W/05/000454         St Aidan, Coast Road - Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling.

                                    The planning committee looked at these proposals and had no objections.


1/W02/001536          24 Bindbarrow - Erect single story extension, new carport & erect new garage.


Certificate of Lawfulness

1/W/05/001094         The Gardener's Cottage, Norburton Hall - The use of building as a single dwelling.


Traffic Issues

Double Yellow Lines - The council approved WDDC Highways plans to place double yellow lines on the junctions of both Charles Road/Barr Lane  and Annings lane/Shadrach - In both areas these lines will aim to improve visibility for traffic at these junctions.

Speed Indicator Devices (SID) - These are currently being used in the village to indicate and monitor traffic speeds.


Hive Beach Car Park

A disabled parking sign had been place on the wall at the car park and subsequently stolen!  There was also concern at the levels of overnight parking in the car park.  Clerk to inform the National Trust.


Any Other Business?

Dog Bins have been purchased and are soon to be erected. Dog walkers please use them to clear up after your dog!!

Next Parish Council will be Wednesday 7th September @ 7.30pm in the Reading Room.


Darren Batten