Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting     -           Wednesday 7th September 2005


Play Area & Equipment

The children's play area in the village is in need of repair and replacement.  We are currently considering a working party being formed to remove the existing equipment that has been deemed 'unsafe' in the latest Wicksteed inspection.  The cost for Wicksteed to remove this equipment is over £3000!  If you have any expertise in cutting up and removing slides and swings, please contact Cllr. Dave Venn on 01308 897094.

Replacement equipment is currently being sourced.  Early indications are that we need to set aside a sum of some £20 000 to refurbish this valued children's play area.  If you would like to make a donation or sponsor any equipment, please contact Cllr. Venn!!!




1/W/05/000454         St Aidan, Coast Road - Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling.

1/W05/000799          Norburton Hall. Conversion and external alterations of existing vacant residential/stabling building known as Norburton Cottage to two units of holiday accommodation.

1/W/05/001177         Overland, Shipton Lane.  Change of use of first floor of out building to holiday accommodation.


1/W/05/001386         29 Shadrach. Erect first floor extension. [Amendment]

1/W/05/001466         The Barton, Shipton Lane.  Application for a certificate of lawfulness in breach of an agricultural tying. (condition No.1 of planning permission ref. 110574)

1/W/05/??????         92 High Street.  Change of use of extension to dwelling to holiday let.



Certificate of Lawfulness

1/W/05/001094         The Gardener's Cottage, Norburton Hall - The use of building as a single dwelling.


For Information

Letter informing Parish Council of the intended building of 9 houses on the site of the 'Old Flax Mill', Mill Street.  Application being submitted for planning by CG Fry & Son.


Hive Beach Car Park

There was also concern at the levels of overnight parking in the car park.  Hive Beach Management Committee to investigate the installation of permanent height restriction barriers, and improved fencing, on entry and exit gates of lower car park. 


Village Plan.

Work continues on the Village Plan, with members of the group investigation the needs in each area highlighted in the Village meeting earlier in the year.  Findings made by the Village Plan Group will be presented in an open meeting in the village hall in November.


Any Other Business?

Dog Bins have been purchased and are soon to be erected. Dog walkers please use them to clear up after your dog!!

Concern was expressed about the state of the road leading to the Hive Beach. Clerk to inform National Trust that maybe WDDC Highways may have funding available to help with its repair?!

Next Parish Council will be Wednesday 5th October @ 7.30pm in the Reading Room.