Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 3rd May 2006
Duties as Follows
M. Southgate (Chairman) Planning, Area Partnership, Website
E. Ripley (Vice-Chairman) Hive Beach, Parish Plan
D. Batten Planning, Website, Parish Plan
B. Tebbs Hive Beach, Post Office, Tree Warden
T.Smith Planning, Hive Beach, Footpaths, Allotments
J. Harding Planning, Traffic & Transport, WATAG, DAPTC
C. Cummins Post Office, Parish Plan
A. Mackie Village Hall, Broadmayne Charity
D. Venn Play Area
F. Moore (Clerk), Donations & Grants
The fund raising has reached its target of £25000. Well done to all. Efforts to raise funds for future development of the play area and recreation ground will continue. It was agreed that Phase 1 (new equipment and refurbishment) should proceed with a proposed opening party on 14th July (tickets available from Post Office and Shop for Hog Roast!). Phase 2 (roundabout and fencing replacement where required) will follow when sufficient funds in place. Cllr. D. Venn was thanked for all his efforts on this project.
1/W/06/00603 Barrowfield, Barr Lane. Erect No.1 detached cottage and modify vehicular access.
Site visit by WDDC Planning Officers to take place prior to planning meeting on 25th May 2006.
1/W/05/002448 Land at Mill Street. Convert existing building to No.5 residential uints and Erect No.4 dwellings. Modify Vehicular access.
The amendment was to the Vehicular Access.
1/W/06/000786 Land at Swaffield. Construct bridge and construct new vehicular and pedestrian access. NEW APPLICATION.
1/W/06/000564 Burton Bradstock Cars. Formation of new shop front to replace existing shop front and 2 adjacent roller shutter doors to expand shop.
A site meeting to be held to look at 1/W/06/000564 and this project, along with1/W/06/000786 will be discussed at a special Parish Council meeting to be held in the next week or so.
1/W/06/000603 Casterbridge, Annings Lane. Erect Porch.
1/W/06/000614 37 Barrowfield Close. Erect Conservatory.
Pay & Display meters to be introduced with proposed charges of £1.00 per hour, £3.00 up to 4 hours, £5.00 all day (Peak Season May - September inc.) 50p per hour, £1.00 up to 4 hours, £2.00 all day (Low Season all other times). Village passes for local people should be investigated by HBMC.
Chairman reported some inaccuracies in letters sent to Inspectorate regarding history of this case at Parish Council meetings. Reference to 'a 50/50 split among villagers' could not be supported and a letter outlining the facts was presented by the Chairman to be sent to the Inspectorate.
Proposed Library Closure
The Chairman urged villagers to write to the appropriate bodies to keep the village library operational. A mass gathering will take place at the Library on Friday 19th May @ 3pm.
Details of the proposals for Library Closures can be seen on www.dorsetforyou.com
Cllr. J Harding reported that several individuals had received parking fines in the village for parking on double yellow lines.
Next Parish Council will be Wednesday 7th June @ 7.30pm in the Reading Room.
Darren Batten