Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting     -           Wednesday 4th January 2006



Access to Footpaths

Plans are being finalised to install gates at several locations on footpaths throughout the village.  Funding is in place from WDDC and gate design has been approved (mainly nice wooden gates!) Permission from landowners is now being sought to proceed with improving access to footpaths at these locations.  All the nice old stone barriers on village footpaths will remain, with access gates adjacent to allow improved pushchair and wheelchair access.  If you would like more details on this work please contact Cllr. Tony Smith.


Play Area & Equipment

As you may have seen, the two slides and climbing frame have been removed from the children's play area.  New play equipment is being sourced and early indications are that we will need to raise in the region of £25 000 for the "BURTON BRADSTOCK PLAYGROUND APPEAL"  The playground is a valuable local asset and the Parish Council is committed to ensuring this facility remains for future generations.  Several fundraising events are being organised, so please give generously! If you would like to make a donation or sponsor any equipment, please contact  Cllr. Dave Venn on 01308 897094.




1/W/05/001765         Sunnyview, Southover.  Erect single story extension.



1/W06/00????          Burton Cliff Hotel.  Install sewage treatment plant and associated pipework.

1/W/06/00????         Lynchcote, Shipton Lane.  Erect Conservatory.


New bridge constructed at  Swallowfield, Grove Road.

There was a great deal of concern from many villagers regarding the bridge currently under construction in Grove Road to provide a river crossing to Swallowfield.  Referring back to the original planning application, it seems there were several specific planning conditions that do not seem to have been met.  Construction material, height of bridge, level of bridge in relation to the road, and visual impact on this area all seem to be areas of concern.  The Parish Council will be writing to the senior planning officer detailing our concerns.


Hive Beach Car Park

The proposed increase in parking fees to £5 had not been well received by some members of the village.  It was proposed that the Hive Beach Management Committee look into these proposals more thoroughly prior to next season.


Doorstep Recycling

The long awaited doorstep collections of recyclable glass, tins and paper are to be introduced in March 2006.  The WDDC Recycling Roadshow will be in the Village Hall on 25th January 1 - 3 pm.  Please go along to find out more about recycling.


Any Other Business?

Dog Bins have been purchased and are soon to be erected. Dog walkers please use them to clear up after your dog!!

Next Parish Council will be Wednesday 1st February @ 7.30pm in the Reading Room.

Darren Batten