Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting     -           Wednesday 1st  February 2006


Freshwater Beach Holiday Park

The parish council were invited to meet with Freshwater to have a look at their proposed development of a new Clubhouse Complex prior to the submission of plans to WDDC for planning permission.




1/W/05/002212         Bridge Cottage Stores - Demolish shed and derelict outbuilding Construct outbuilding to for additional accommodation.


1/W/05/002345         Lynchcote, Shipton Lane - Erect Conservatory.



1/W/05/002081         Barrowfield, Barr Lane - Erect 1No. detached dwelling and modify existing vehicular and pedestrian access.


1/W/05/002431         Somercotes, Shadrach - Erect single storey extension.


1/W/05/002413         Merlyns, Annings Lane - Demolish part of bungalow and erect 2 storey extension with higher pitched roof and conservatory.  Block existing vehicular access and construct new.


1/W/05/002448         Land at Mill Street - Convert existing building into 5No. residential units and erect 4No. dwellings.  Modify vehicular access.          


There was discussion on the construction of the bridge at Swallowfield.  The chairman read a statement from WDDC planning office that said it seems the bridge construction is outside of the planning permission granted and the case is being investigated.


Playground Appeal

The Parish Council agreed to support the Burton Bradstock Playground Appeal in their fundraising efforts by committing to make up any shortfall in the cost of new equipment to the sum of £14500.  Fundraising continues and if you would like to make a donation please contact any member of BBPC.


Burton Bradstock Post Office

Applications are now being sought for a new Postmaster to take over from Mr Dutton when he retires in June 2006.  For further information please contact BBPC chairman.


Any Other Business?

There were several members of the public concerned at the proposed increase in parking charges at the Hive Beach.  The matter will be reviewed by the Hive Beach Review Committee and placed on the agenda or the next meeting.


Next Parish Council will be Wednesday 1st March @ 7.30pm in the Reading Room.

Darren Batten