Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 1st March 2006
Hive Beach
The parish council is investigating the possibility of installing a 'Pay & Display' type parking meter at the Hive Beach car park. This would mean that all customers could pay accordingly for their use of the facilities and could give an all year round income from the car park by introducing different tariffs for each season. The installation of a notice board on Fisherman's Green is still being pursued.
1/W/05/002431 Somercotes, Shadrach - Erect single storey extension.
1/W/05/002324 Burton Cliff Hotel - Carry out alterations to sewage system through the provision of a sewage treatment plant.
1/W/06/000138 3 Barr Lane - Erect first floor extension over existing single storey extension.
There was discussion on the construction of the bridge at Swallowfield. The chairman read a statement from WDDC planning office that said it seems the bridge construction is outside of the planning permission granted and depending on the outcome of an Environment Agency investigation, the plans may need to be re-submitted to WDDC.
Playground Appeal
Burton Bradstock Playground Appeal work is continuing. Donations have now exceeded £8000 and the fundraising efforts continue. There will be a pledge auction on 29th April. If you have any items or activities you feel would be suitable for this event pleae contact any member of the Playground Appeal committee.
Burton Bradstock Post Office
We have received 23 applications for the position of Sub-Postmaster. First interviews for 12 applicants will take place on 15th & 17th March and we hope to shortlist 4 applicants for Post Office Interview. For further information please contact BBPC chairman.
Annual Parish Meeting
This will take place in the Village Hall on TUESDAY 25th APRIL at 8PM. Please come along to find out more about the activities and future of the parish council. Refreshments provided!
There was discussion on the new yellow lines in the village. Although in some cases these have improved traffic movements, there is still some concern that the situation has not been fully resolved. The exiting of Annings Lane and safety of pedestrians on Barr Lane/High Street are particular areas of concern.
Next Parish Council will be Wednesday 5th April @ 7.30pm in the Reading Room.
Darren Batten