Licence Applications
Mr Ryan Bransome (Senior Licencing Officer WDDC) explained to a packed Reading Room the process of the new Alcohol and Music licence application system. There was much concern that an application for Norburton Hall would be detrimental to the surrounding area. Mr Bransome explained the licence granting and review procedures and helped to allay the fears of some village residents. The application will be before the WDDC licencing committee on 20th September.
1/W/06/000317 Part of garden Barrowfield. Erect 1No. detached cottage and modify vehicular access. .
1/W/06/000697 87 High Street. Erect Conservatory.
1/W/06/001516 3 Norburton. Carry out roof conversion and erect dormer windows.
1/W/06/001416 Land at Mill Street. Erect 2No. dwellings (revised elevational treatment of plots 6 & 7)
1/W/06/00???? Grovelands, Grove Road. erect 2No. dwellings and modify vehicular accesses.
1/W/06/000786 Land at Swaffield. Construct bridge and construct new vehicular and pedestrian access.
A group to save the village library from closure is to be set up. If you are interested in joining this village group then please contact the Chairman of BBPC.
Hive Beach
There have been several issues this summer in the running of the car park. The ticket machines have been delayed and parking charges have not been increased. The Parish Council have received a letter from the Village society expressing there wish to no longer be involved in the Hive Beach Review Committee or be involved with the running of the Hive Beach in any way.
Affordable Housing
The access issues for land adjacent to North Hill Close have been resolved and there will be a meeting n October to look at Raglan Homes proposal to build affordable housing on this site.
Any Other Business?
The improvement of access on public footpaths throughout the village is still in the negotiation stage. funding has been secured for new access gates and landowners are looking at installation aspects.
Next Parish Council will be Wednesday 4th October @ 7.30pm in the Reading Room.
Darren Batten