Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 3rd April 2002

Do you want to be a Parish councilor?

There is still a vacancy to become a Parish Councilor on BBPC. Anybody from the Parish of Burton Bradstock interested in applying for one of these interesting and worthy posts should contact Mr Fel Moore (village clerk) on 01308-459001. The Parish Council will be co-opting for this position in the near future.

Post Office

Next time you need to pay that utility bill? Need a first class stamp? Or need to buy a birthday card for that birthday you have forgotten? Why not pop down to the Village Post Office and meet Peter and Pat Dutton, the new tenants of the Parish Council owned Post Office. Finally after months of hard work by Cllr Mike Southgate and his team, Peter and Pat took over the reigns on 28th March. As you will see, the Post office is having a bit of a revamp. Soon the central heating will be completed, and new thatching work will take place later in the year. Rest assured, despite the new look, the Post Office will have the old friendly helpful service, so please support it and thus ensure its success for many years to come.

Annual Parish Meeting

A date for your diaries - Wednesday 24th April 2002 at 7.30pm - This years Annual Parish Meeting will be in the usual venue of the WI Hall. Please come along and find out a bit more about what is going on in Burton Bradstock. We will be talking about where we are in the Vital Villages planning, what the Young People are doing in the village (including an introduction to the sport of Mountain Boarding! Speaker: Marc Rogers), how we bought and manage the Post Office and how the Market and Coastal Towns Initiative affects us in Burton Bradstock. (Speaker: Stephanie Sutton). If you have any points you want to discuss with your Councilors, please come along and voice your thoughts in the Democratic Half Hour!


No planning applications this month!

Golden Jubilee

Plans are coming together for our celebrations in June. Children's Tea Party, Family Barn Dance, Young Peoples Disco and a permanent memorial are just some of the proposed ideas. All the village youngsters will be given a commemorative mug and us older folk can buy one in the Post Office nearer the time. The diary of events will be in the Bride Valley News and will be posted on this site in next months report. Please support the Golden Jubilee celebrations being organised by Cllr Freddy Tame and his team. I am sure we will all have a fun time.

Young Peoples Meeting

The first official gathering of Burton Bradstock's Young People will be in the Reading Room on Friday 5th April 2002 from 7.00pm If you are aged between 10 and 18 years and want to come along and listen to music, have a game of pool, surf the Net, or just chat and chill out.then why not come along? This is a club for the Youth that is run by the Youth. Of course there will be a couple of adults there to ensure things go well, but we will only be there to give you help in achieving what you want out of your meetings.your future is in your hands!

Any Other Business?

Now the fine weather is starting to be more frequent, why not take a stroll down to the beach and possibly do your bit for the village by joining in the annual litter pick up? 10.am - 12pm on Sunday 14th April 2002. All rubbish sacks will be provided. You could even treat yourself to a Coffee & Cake or a delicious lunch at The Hive Beach Café as a reward for all that hard work!

Darren Batten


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