Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 3rd July 2002

Do you want to be a Parish councilor?

There is still a vacancy to become a Parish Councilor on BBPC. Anybody from the Parish of Burton Bradstock interested in applying for this interesting and worthy post should contact Mr Fel Moore (village clerk) on 01308-459001. The Parish Council will be co-opting for this position in the near future.


1/W2002/0603 The Orchard Plot - Erect new building. PASSED

Following a recent site visit, BBPC planning committee showed concerns over the increased traffic usage into Gages Lane, the possibility of future development of an adjacent site if access were to be established, and the aspect of the proposed development with regard to the privacy of the neighbouring properties.

With 15 or so democrats at the meeting, there was a lengthy discussion on why this application was passed despite the Parish Council being against certain aspects of the development? District Councilor Tess Pritchard fielded questions, explaining that any application is looked at in favour of the applicant, and to be rejected, an application must fail to satisfy planning regulations. For example, if there is not access to a plot, it cannot be granted planning permission. It is not just a case of if the general public don't like an application it will not pass!

Mountain Boarding

You may or may not of seen an increase in youngsters in the village carrying what seem to be oversized skateboards? These are in fact 'Mountain Boards' and on the outskirts of the village the new Coastal Mountain Boarding and Bike Centre has just been granted planning permission. The center, being run by land-owner Marcos Rogers, is open to people of all ages to go and experience this new sport. Boards, safety equipment and tuition are available for all levels, so why not go along and give it a try. Burton Bradstock Parish Council fully support Marc's new venture and wish him well!

Youth Club

The new Youth Club in the village continues to go from strength to strength. With 30+ youngsters attending on Friday evenings in the Reading Room, things are starting to get a bit crowded! The club has been offered the use of the village school as a meeting place. The Parish Council have agreed to a £500 grant to support the club over the next year, and feel it is important that we continue to help with this valuable resource for our young people. If anybody has a spare couple of hours on Friday evenings (7.00 - 9.30pm) and would like to help with the supervision of this club, please contact Fel Moore or Elise Ripley.

Any Other Business?

With the reduction of the speed limit on large areas of the B3157 'coast road' it was pointed out that the local police, may be putting their new speed cameras to use in the near future! You have been warned! Also on the subject of cars, the new Parking Wardens are out in force in the Bridport area, so please continue to park sensibly and in the correct places!