Do you want to be a Parish councilor?
Nominations for Parish Councilor must be in before 1st April..Do you want to have a say in the future of the village??
Anybody from the Parish of Burton Bradstock interested in applying for this interesting and worthy post should contact Mr Fel Moore (village clerk) on 01308-459001. As you may be aware, the positions on the Parish council are all up for re-election on 1st May this year, if you feel you want to be part of the Parish Council you can obtain details of how to put yourself forward from the village clerk.
1/W/2003/0265 St Aidens, Coast Rd - Demolish existing building and erect replacement dwelling.
1/W/2003/0285 Anchor Hotel - rebuild flat roof, two rooflights, internal alterations
The new Youth Club in the village continues to go from strength to strength, with 20 or so youngsters attending on Friday evenings in the Reading Room. If anybody has a spare couple of hours on Friday evenings (7.00 - 9.30pm) and would like to help with the supervision of this club, please contact Fel Moore or Elise Ripley.
Bus Times
The new bus timings for the B3 (now called the 45 service between Burton Bradstock and Bridport Hospital) are now in place. The new timings give us an early morning bus at 07:50hrs and then an hourly bus at half past the hour from 09:30hrs. The return busses being hourly at 10 minutes past the hour from outside Portman Building Society. (see revised bus times table)
If you have any views on bus timings or any other transport issues, please contact Cllr. Darren Batten on 897944.
Following a well attended public meeting, the Parish Council concluded that the first deposit of the local plan was good for the future of the village. The Defined Development Boundary unchanged from the previous plan. Certain areas adjacent to the DDB gave some concern, but the planning regulations seemed to suggest the preservation of village structure and on the whole Burton Bradstock would be unlikely to be vastly developed with these regulations in place.
Dorset Best Kept Village competition - over the years we have done extremely well due to the hard work of many of the villagers. April is the month of the West Dorset Spring Clean, so please continue to clean up your area of our village. If you would like to volunteer to organise a village cleaning day, please contact Fel Moore (01308-459001) who will have plenty of refuse sacks for people to use!
Allotments - There is one vacant allotment left in Southover, do you want to grow your own fresh veg or just escape for a few hours digging? If so, please contact Cllr. Tony Smith (897020) for more details.
Darren Batten