Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 5th June 2002

Do you want to be a Parish councilor?

There is still a vacancy to become a Parish Councilor on BBPC. Anybody from the Parish of Burton Bradstock interested in applying for this interesting and worthy post should contact Mr Fel Moore (village clerk) on 01308-459001. The Parish Council will be co-opting for this position in the near future.

Vital Villages

We are still putting together the framework for our own Vital Village Plan. All those Parishioners that attended the meeting back in October and showed an interest in helping out, please rest assured, we will be contacting you in the near future.


Report on site meeting:

1/W2002/0603 The Orchard Plot - Erect new building.

Following a recent site visit, BBPC planning committee showed concerns over the increased traffic usage into Gages Lane, the possibility of future development of an adjacent site if access were to be established, and the aspect of the proposed development with regard to the privacy of the neighbouring properties.


1/W2002/0790 Bridesmead, Shipton Lane - Erect garage/store.

1/W2002/0868 Feldon, Shipton Lane - Remove existing extensions and replace with single extension.

Golden Jubilee

Thankyou to all the villagers who attended and took part in our Golden Jubilee celebrations. Many thanks to Cllr. Freddy Tame and his team, who spent many hours organising the events, we enjoyed so very much. You can still buy a Golden Jubilee mug from the village Post Office...hurry while stocks last!

Any Other Business?

Next time you are taking a leisurely stroll around our lovely village, please do take the time to observe any areas that you feel need a bit of a tidy..better still, pull up the odd offending weed, or collect that bit of rubbish and place it in a bin. The Parish Council are having a 'weed pulling stroll around' on Tuesday 11th June (meet Reading Room at 11am), so if you fancy joining them, the more the merrier! (Gloves, trowel and rubbish bag would be useful?)