Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 7th May 2003
Welcome to the new Parish Council
Due to there not being enough candidates to require an election for the Parish Council seats, the new Parish Council was adopted on 1st May. Mike Southgate was elected Chairman, Elise Ripley (Vice Chairman), Darren Batten, Barry Tebbs, Tony Smith, and we welcome 2 new councilors, Jim Harding and Leon Sea. We still have vacancies for a further 2 members on the Parish Council. If you do want to join please contact Fel Moore (clerk) 01308 459001.
1/W/2003/0265 St Aidens, Coast Rd. demolish and erect new dwelling (granted)
1/W/2003/0484 Old Coastguard Cottages Raise roof height (no objections)
1/W/2003/0690 1&2 High Street new vehicular access and parking
Following a site meeting by
the PC planning committee, It was decide to recommend REFUSAL of this application
on the grounds
1. dangerous access on a blind corner
2. concerns
about parking opposite the proposed access
3. increased danger to traffic exiting Charles Road
4. visual impact on the existing 'nice old stone wall'
The new Youth Club in the village continues to go from strength to strength, with 20 or so youngsters attending on Friday evenings in the Reading Room. If anybody has a spare couple of hours on Friday evenings (7.00 - 9.30pm) and would like to help with the supervision of this club, please contact Fel Moore or Elise Ripley.
Post Office - The Parish Council would like to thank Mike Southgate for his hard work in the purchasing and renovation of the village Post Office. As you can see the thatching and new window are now completed. Please continue to use this valuable village facility and help support both the Duttons and the Parish Council.
Darren Batten