Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 8 January 2003

Do you want to be a Parish councilor?
There is still a vacancy to become a Parish Councilor on BBPC. Anybody from the Parish of Burton Bradstock interested in applying for this interesting and worthy post should contact Mr Fel Moore (village clerk) on 01308-459001. As you may be aware, the positions on the Parish council are all up for re-election this year, if you feel you want to be part of the Parish Council you can obtain details of how to put yourself forward from the village clerk.

1/W/2002/1780 Greensleeves, Annings Lane - erect dormer window (Amended)

Youth Club
The new Youth Club in the village continues to go from strength to strength, with 20 or so youngsters attending on Friday evenings in the Reading Room. If anybody has a spare couple of hours on Friday evenings (7.00 - 9.30pm) and would like to help with the supervision of this club, please contact Fel Moore or Elise Ripley.

"Stoop and Scoop"
Please remember to clean up after your doggies little doings when walking in our lovely village!!! There are several signs around the village to remind you to Stoop and Scoop…please do!

Any Other Business?
Following the reduction in the speed limit on stretches of the B3157, the local police will be using mobile speed traps to catch any speeding motorists over the next few weeks. Please drive thoughtfully now and at all times….you have been warned!!!

Congratulations to Dorset County Council who have just been awarded the grade of "EXCELLENT" in the countries latest performance figures of councils (only 22 councils in the country achieved this rating). This means that DCC will have greater flexibility in its spending powers to continue the good job they do.

Bus Times - the current timings of the B3 Service to Bridport are scheduled to change in late February. On the plus side this means we will get an hourly bus service to the town. (timings to be confirmed) However it does mean the current 08:12hrs bus will go to Bridport at the earlier time of 07:50hrs, so it means a slightly earlier start for you early morning bus users! If you have any views on bus timings or any other transport issues, please contact Cllr. Darren Batten on 897944.

Darren Batten