Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 9th January 2002

Do you want to be a Parish councilor?

There are currently 2 vacancies to become a Parish Councilor on BBPC. Anybody from the Parish of Burton Bradstock interested in applying for one of these interesting and worthy posts should contact Mr Fel Moore (village clerk) on 01308-459001. The Parish Council will be co-opting for these positions at the next meeting on Wednesday 6th February 2002.

Post Office

The parish Council are pleased to be in the final stages of completing the purchase of our village Post office. As the details are finalised, a Mr Angus Ferguson will be employed by the Post Office, and along with Liz Neal will continue the Post Offices' smooth operation whilst we interview for a new Post Master. It is hoped the new Post Master will be in place within 3 months.details to follow!

Vital Villages

We are still putting together the framework for our own Vital Village Plan. All those Parishioners that attended the meeting back in October and showed an interest in helping out, please rest assured, we will be contacting you in the near future.



1/W2001/1357 Marsh Barn Farm - Erect new craft barn.

1/W/2001/1127/10B The Dove Inn - Amendment to vehicular access


1/W2001/1826 Cider House, Southover - Removal of eastern porch and door.

Any Other Business?

BBPC are currently thinking about what we should do in Burton Bradstock to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee. If you have any idea's on how we can make the 4th June 2002 a day to remember please contact Cllr Freddy tame on 01308-897957.

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