Burton Bradstock Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 11th September 2002

Do you want to be a Parish councilor?
There is still a vacancy to become a Parish Councilor on BBPC. Anybody from the Parish of Burton Bradstock interested in applying for this interesting and worthy post should contact Mr Fel Moore (village clerk) on 01308-459001. The Parish Council will be co-opting for this position in the near future.


1/W2002/1297 75 Mill Street - Change of Thatch
1/W2002/1298 76 Mill Street - Change of Thatch
1/W2002/1298 77 Mill Street - Change of Thatch
1/W2002/1438 98 Southover - Change of Thatch

Note: These changes are only a change in the type of thatch being used on these buildings

1/W2002/???? Magnolia Farm - Internal Alterations
1/W2002/???? The Rookery - Internal Alterations
1/W2002/???? 24 Bindbarrow - Erect single story extension and detached garage.

Children's Play Area
Despite several attempts to stop people using the roundabout in the playing field, people are still letting their children on this equipment. The roundabout is obviously broken and could be extremely DANGEROUS. We are awaiting replacement of this equipment and a general overhaul of the area. Please do not use the roundabout until it is repaired!!!

Youth Club
The new Youth Club in the village continues to go from strength to strength. With 30+ youngsters attending on Friday evenings in the Reading Room, things are starting to get a bit crowded! The club resumes again on Friday 20th September in the Reading Room, but will soon move to it's new home in the village school. If anybody has a spare couple of hours on Friday evenings (7.00 - 9.30pm) and would like to help with the supervision of this club, please contact Fel Moore or Elise Ripley.

Any Other Business?
As by now you have probably seen….White lines have been painted on the road along High Street and outside of Bridge Cottage Stores in an attempt to make it safer for pedestrians. I know that the cars speeding through our village can be extremely dangerous, but we hope that these lines help to keep them away from the walking public!

Darren Batten