1. Flood Alleviation
Because of the flooding (again) through the centre of the village on
23rd December, Mr Browning and Mr Travers, representatives from the
W.D.D.C., attended the meeting. During the discussions in the Council and
with members of the general public present, the following points emerged
- Several agencies, i.e. Environment Agency, Wessex Water, Dorset
County Council, West Dorset District Council, local landowners have
varying responsibilities in flood alleviation and prevention and
activities need to be co-ordinated. A meeting will be held under D.C.C.
chairmanship to clarify responsibilities and actions.
- Though not yet complete, the Annings Lane drainage scheme appears to
be working successfully.
- Gages Lane is itself acting as the main conduit for drainage from the
hillside above rather than the nearby system of ditches and gullies
which have been neglected and require clearing out.
- D.C.C. and W.D.D.C. have agreed to cut a proper culvert from Grove
Road into the Mill stream, to augment the existing underground drainage
- The sluice gates upstream of the village, intended to divert water
into the river from the Mill stream, need to be mechanised for remote
operation so that they can be readily opened at times of threat and
empty the Mill stream in readiness for it to act as a drain for the
surface water flooding into the village.
2. Cinemobile
The possibility of a mobile cinema operation in the County is being
investigated and the village has expressed an interest in the project.
However a site for parking the large vehicle involved has yet to be
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