Burton Bradstock Commemorates VJ Day& Celebrates End of World War II

Church Service - Sunday 14 August 2005

Act of Remembrance

Let us remember before God, and commend to his sure keeping those men and women from the Bride Valley who died for their country in the 1939-45 conflict and at the same time let us remember those who were precious to us and whose memory we treasure who died or suffered during this terrible war.

From Burton Bradstock

Lieutenant Geoffrey Louis De Pury 1940 age 25
Lance Serjeant Alfred Cammell 1942 age 28
Trooper Gordon Ward 1942 age 26
Signalman Henry Lloyd Fletcher 1943 age23
Flight Sergeant Peter Bishop 1944
Private James Williams 1943 age 24
Lieutenant Henry John Speak 1944 age 24
Sergeant Cyril Northover 1944 age 31
Lance Corporal Frederick Williams 1944 age 27
Captain Theodore Bulmer 1944
Nellie Rose Piper civilian 1943 age 42

From Shipton Gorge

Leading Seaman Lewis White age 24
Reginald White

From Litton Cheney

Lieutenant Kenneth James Harper 1940 age 28
Captain John Clement Van Der Kiste 1940 age 33
Flying Officer Carson Proby 1941 age 27
Captain Peter Newman 1943 age 23
Richard Webber
Guardsman Ronald Bowring 1944
Trooper Leslie Thorner 1944 age 22