Conventions in use on Burton Bradstock website 2008
DreamWeaver setup - must be done to ensure links work when files sent to webmaster.
Site / manage sites /new / advanced /Local info /
site name bb village
ensure root folder bb village is selected
links relative to Document
HTTP address:
Templates - to be used on all new pages (with possible exception of photo backings/albums generated in photoshop)
see File/new from template/ BurtonBradstockOnline
Generally, .jpg images are to be used. - Use photoshop (or similar ) to size images correctly than "save for web" to reduce file size to a point where image quality is still acccepatabe. Ffile size for large image typically 30-100kb
Note in normal use page width is 800pixels therfore no images should exceed 790 pix unless you really want users to use scroll bars Thumbnails should be no smaller than 180 pix wide to be readable
All images should have "Alt" descriptive text added (useful to visually handicaped users)
Page arrangement
Where items/images need to be arranged side by side insert a table.
In general make border thickness = 0 pix to avoid messy borders
Fonts /Headings
Unless font is specified the text will default to the users browsers settings. This will generally be Times New Roman with no particular size
Prefered - "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,sans serif " at 12 pix or better select "style3" which will set all relevant perameters
NB any unusual , or fancy fonts that are used may well not display on the users browser if they dont have that font installed - instead the browser will select something similar but this may look odd in practice.
Once Style 3 is selected use heading1 heading 2 etc for emphasis on the page - This also helps visually handicaped users - Do not just increase test size
to add a flash video file
Put all FLV (Flash video) files and ALL
the SWF (Flash player) files in the same directory
may be some odd swf files - these are player skins and should be uploaded
embed SWF file in html page using insert/media/flash
a javascript file is formed in scrips directory by dreamwaever
upload all files to server
to add flash sound player
create mp3 file (recommended to do at 44kHz for best quality but all resolutions will work!
Ensure dreamwaever version is 8.0.2 at least. if not update
embed audioPlayer02.swf file in html page using insert/media/flash (can be found in bbvillage/music)
double click on "F box"
to show "select flash file" dialogueand click on perameters
under name put mp3 under value put xxx.mp3 where this is the audeo file to play
(use relative path or put same directory as the player )
a javascript file is formed in scrips directory by dreamwaever
upload all files to server
to add BVN
get pdf files sent from editor (Mike Brown) when he sends to the printer ie
magasine.pdf (should be in colour)
use acrobat to "reduce" file size of the magasine. check and remove any reference to Cled (ie Paul Cledon who has asked for no mention in the on line mag)
put files in appropriate month folder
do links and to BVN index.htm - upload and check
Add to whats on at the end of the month when the paper version is issued.
ensure if editor changes they are aware of the proceedure.
Sound files
Any sound files to be added should be .mp3 format - not .wav unless they are less than 5 seconds long. Wav files can be very big and turn users off because they can be bothered to wait while they download.
.mp3 files should generally be created at CD quality or less if they are speech only.