is my neighbour?" So the rich man asked Jesus, to receive in reply the parable
of the Good Samaritan. We might understand the Good Samaritan today as the nice
man who, seeing a stranger in pain, comforts him and sees that he will be okay.
Jesus, we further understand, calls his followers and those who want to be his
followers, to be like the good Samaritan, wanting the best for those around them.
But the parable is actually much deeper, much more challenging
than this. The parable was given to the extreme Jews of Jesus' time whose sworn
enemies were the Samaritans. The last person the Jew would have thought of as
being a good neighbour would have been a Samaritan. In much the same way, the
help the Samaritan gave to the wounded man was so much more than a lift, a pie
and a pint, it was equivalent to two days wages, and more if necessary. Also
the wounded man was not, in today's understanding, the neighbour of the Samaritan,
he was a complete stranger, in fact a mugged and blooded stranger, and a traditional
enemy, somebody about as distant from the Samaritan as one could possibly get.
An exact parallel today would not be difficult to find for most of us: maybe a
member of Al Qaeda dying from a drugs overdose! The teaching of the parable is
that even in this extreme case, we should show real compassion and mercy: more
generally, that all humankind is our neighbour, whoever, wherever, whenever.
This applies both in the present and in the future. Our neighbour then is also the unborn baby of the hungry
child on the brink of starvation in Eritrea. She is also the grandchild of the
little boy whose photo was in the 'Bridport News' last week. Our neighbours both
do exist and will exist, and if we say we love our neighbour, if we really love
our neighbour, we will work for a better world today and tomorrow, here and at
the other end of the world, now and in the next century. I think we will all be aware of what is needed to be
a good neighbour now, but what is needed to neighbour those who will live after
we die? What a question, and we can only scratch the surface in our reply. Surely
however we must begin by ensuring that there can be future generations, the members
of which can live fully, experiencing the blessings of physical life, as God's
creatures. But we realise, however, that if we continue to live as we are now,
21st century consumers demanding more and more, consuming way beyond
what is sustainable, polluting and laying waste the land on which all future generations
defend, then there will be no future generations, and we have failed to be good
neighbours. Might this article be the basis of a Lent resolution
to become a permanent part of our way of life? Only the reader knows. Anthony Ashwell Our New Team RectorThe formal announcement that so many of us were waiting
for, was made on 1st February, five days after the interviews. Here
it is again: Appointment
of Team RectorFollowing interviews held on 27th January
2004, the Bride Valley Team Ministry Patronage Board is very pleased to announce
the appointment of the Rev'd Bob Thorn, at present Vicar of Whitchurch in the
Diocese of Bristol, as Team Rector. Bob has confirmed his acceptance and he,
with his wife Jean, hopes to move to Burton Bradstock in May. Behind this lies an exciting story, but here we are,
and we wish Bob, Jean and family every blessing as they begin planning for their
move. Who they are we leave them to tell, but as I write they are looking forward
to frequent visits to the valley to get a real feel of the area, and to arrange
the details of their move. We await a date for Bob's Institution, probably towards
the end of May. HOUSE
GROUP LENT COURSE 2004 The Lent Course this year will be the Churches Together
Course 'Face to Face'. The course is based on Luke's Gospel chapters 3 and 4
and will be used by many churches in the country. We will meet on five Wednesdays at 7.30pm for coffee
and biscuits and will finish by 9.00pm. The evening will include study of the
text, discussion and prayer. All are welcome. Mar 3 In whose image? Pitcombe,
Littlebredy Mar 10 Belonging to what? The Old Rectory,
Litton Cheney Mar 17 Who is Jesus? The Old
Rectory, Litton Cheney Mar 24 Facing our own future Pitcombe,
Littlebredy Mar 31 Hope - living the image The Old Rectory,
Litton Cheney
Hugh Lindsay Lent Course 2004 at Burton Bradstock'Station
Conversations on March Wednesdays'. The
'Stations of the Cross' is an ancient liturgy based on the remembrance of Jesus
Christ's last journey before his death. Many see this most touching way of remembering
the last few hours of the first Good Friday as primarily a Roman Catholic devotion,
but it is intended for all Christians. Through it we can be helped to understand
and more deeply to sympathise with all that Jesus went through on Good Friday,
and so to express our solidarity with him. The
course, not yet put together as I write, will use considerable material from: a)
'A Walk in Jerusalem' by John Peterson
(Secretary General of the Anglican Communion). b)
'A more Perfect Way' by Richard Hobbs
(a religious). Through the five Wednesdays of the course, we will hear
about the significance and relevance of the 'Stations of the Cross', take part
in the liturgy (which involves gentle movement around the church), and reflect
on each of the fourteen Stations and their importance today. The five March Wednesday evenings of the course will
all begin in Burton Bradstock church at 7.30pm with coffee and biscuits, and should
be over well before 9.00pm. All are invited, do come along, and appreciate profoundly
that there cannot be an Easter Sunday without a Good Friday. 'Station Conversations on March Wednesdays'. 3rd March: Introduction and a shorter
'Stations'. 10th March: Stations 1 - 5 (Jesus is
judged, to Simon of Cyrene), reflections and discussion. 17th March: Stations 6 - 10 (Veronica
to Golgotha), reflections and discussion. 24th March: Stations 11 - 14 (Jesus'
crucifiction, death and burial), reflections and discussion. 31st March: Summary and a fuller 'Stations'.
Advance Notice of Holy Week Services5th April Long Bredy
7.00pm Compline 6th April Shipton Gorge
7.00pm Compline 7th April Litton Cheney
7.00pm Compline 8th
April Burton Bradstock 7.00pm Maundy Thursday Eucharist 9th April Littlebredy
10.00am The Litany Swyre 12
noon Good Friday Service Burton Bradstock 1.45pm
Good Friday Service 10th April NO SERVICE in any of the
Bride Valley Churches The Maundy Thursday Eucharist at Burton Bradstock will
include the ancient custom of 'The Washing of Feet'. I shall be pleased to receive
the names, as soon as possible, of all who would like to take part in this.
Anthony Ashwell  

All Saints Church Sidmouth Mornings: 10.45am Evenings: 7.30pm Speaker:Rev'd Dr. Steve Brady Further details from Mike Read Tiny
Tots / Pram Service The next service will be at 11.00am on Friday 5th
March at St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock.
Yvette Smith ( 898219) Mothers'
Union Saturday
13th March 10.00am - 2.30pm Spring Council Meeting East
Stour Village Hall Wednesday
17th March 10.30am Prayers
for Ireland at St. Martin's Church,
Shipton Gorge - with coffee afterwards at St. Catherine's Cross. Thursday
25th March Lady Day Diocesan Festival at Salisbury Cathedral Banner
Bearers to meet at 1.00pm in the Cathedral. Service starts at 2.00pm. Coach leaves
Bridport Bus Station at 9.30am and leaves Salisbury at approx. 4.30pm. The
Bride Valley (Thursday) Fellowship Group The group meets on Thursday evenings and alternates
between Prayer and Bible Study. Arriving from 7.30pm we begin at 8.00pm aiming
to finish by about 9.30pm. All are most welcome. For further details contact
Paul ..., Tel ... March
4 Prayer 2 Myrtle Close, Puncknowle March
11 Bible Study Matthew 6.5-14 How to pray
6 Baglake, Litton Cheney March
18 Prayer West Lodge, Littlebredy March
25 Bible Study Matthew 6.16-18 How to fast
12 Napier Close,
Puncknowle Burton Bradstock CE VC School The main
news this month is that Mrs Ruby Stevens retires at the end of this term. Ruby
has worked as Caretaker at the school for the past 28 years and her commitment
and hard work has been much appreciated by us all. We wish her well in her richly
deserved retirement. Congratulations
go to Frankie Jones who once again organised our Blue Peter Bring and Buy Sale.
This event raised £97 for the charity MENCAP. Many thanks to everyone who contributed
to this success. Ofsted
is now behind us and the Easter break suddenly appears very attractive! At this
stage we have nothing definite to report but will let you know next month how
we got on. We very much appreciated the support and encouragement of so many
parents, friends and colleagues from other schools during and in the run up to
our inspection. On occasions we were asked, "How's it going - are you ready?"
In truth, no matter how much notice we had, we would never have been completely
'ready' because there is always more to do. Preparing for Ofsted is like trying
to dry ice! Unfortunately it seems that the nature of schools today is that when
we begin to get close to our aspired goals someone moves the posts. Whatever
the outcome, I get the feeling that the next time we are inspected, whenever that
may be, it is likely to be very different. If what we hear in the news is anything
to go by, a spot visit at very short notice makes a lot of sense. It would take
away stress there might be from the anticipation of the event and, more importantly,
schools would be seen 'in the flesh' as it were. It is remarkable how the educational
pendulum continues to swing. Are we now going back to the old days of the 'School
Inspector'? I do not know of anyone who disagreed with the principle of Ofsted
and the need for schools to be accountable. Perhaps it is the realisation by
government that they have been using a sledgehammer to crack a nut that has brought
about the latest announcement - it has certainly been a very expensive hammer. Mark Stratta. 100 Club January winners
were:£20 - C. Harrington £10 - J. Wyatt £5 - Mrs. Hope Thorner's CE VA Primary
this month the staff and Governors will be looking towards reviewing our School
Improvement Plan; every school is required to produce a plan of how they aim to
develop the school in the near future. It is an annual review and gives us the
opportunity to look back on those things we have done well and those areas that
still need to be addressed. Last year we highlighted that parents were not included
in this process, so we have addressed this by sending out a questionnaire at the
start of each term asking for the opinions of our parents. Firstly I would like
to say a huge thank you and well done to all those parents who took the time and
effort to complete and return them. As Governors we read each comment and have
been delighted that so many parents wanted to know more about what their children
were learning and how the methods of teaching, numeracy in particular, have changed
since they were at school and, possibly, wanting to help their own children to
achieve more than they did. It has therefore been decided to arrange sessions
where parents can come in and learn more, so please do watch for final details
and come along to find out more, ask questions and be impressed by current methods.
Each and every school is different and we would not want to be the same as others,
we are Thorner's, according to our parents a school which provides a happy and
caring environment for our children to grow and thrive in all areas of life, not
just the academic. I am proud to be part of Thorner's and enjoy showing the school
to visitors during the working day when the buzz of the school is so obvious.
The introduction of Golden Time at the beginning of the year has been a big success,
pupils feel rewarded and valued, not just termly, but weekly, it has also enabled
members of staff, past and present, to share some of their interests with the
children. Thank you, to all those who give of their time and energy to help make
this a positive time for the children; it is very much appreciated. Alison Johnstone Headteacher BRIDE VALLEY FLEDGLINGS PLAYGROUP We have a new WINTER QUIZ out and on sale (£1) around
and about - in The Crown, The White Horse, Burton Bradstock Post Office, Bridport
and Dorchester TIC's - even in the Hall from Playgroup in Puncknowle - so buy
one and have fun testing your general knowledge. In March we are having a full OFSTED Inspection so wish
us luck - we are confident we will do well. In May there will be an OPEN
Morning for parents and children to come and visit - see what goes on in
Playgroup, if you haven't been already! MAY 6th to be exact.
Then in June, we hope to have our Sponsored TRIKE RIDE again - more on this later.
I will be inviting more visitors to come and entertain
our group after Half Term - and we will be welcoming George Larcombe from West
Bexington who is joining us. Any queries/information please ring me on 01308
Carol Bennett (Playleader) First
Step Parent and Toddler Group meet on
Wednesdays between 10.00am and 12 noon. We had a nice surprise before Christmas
a grant from Dorset Community Action and are busy buying new resources for the
group. We are also grateful to Ed and Ann Miles and Russell Randall for beautifully
repairing some of our well loved toys. We are very appreciative of their help. We welcome children from 0-4 years and the first session
is free. We have toys and activities for all pre-school children, coffee and
chat for parents and carers. The group meets at Long Bredy Village Hall on the
first, third and fifth Wednesdays of the month. On the second Wednesday we meet
in Little Bredy Hall and on the fourth Wednesday we meet in either Little Bredy
or Puncknowle. For further details contact: Bridget (Burton Bradstock) 898600
or Jo (Litton Cheney) ... or Julie (Puncknowle) 897178 or Rachel (Kingston
Russell and Long Bredy) 482246 Litton
Cheney Youth Club meets on Tuesday evenings
for those between 8 and 17 years in Litton Cheney and the surrounding villages.
For further details of the sessions read the Litton notes or contact Paul Kingston
482384. Litton
Cheney Social Committee invite all recipients
of the BVN to join us for a walk on the 3rd Saturday of each month
(weather permitting). We aim to walk about five miles with a stop for lunch at
a pub. Please check the Litton page for details and to confirm the event each
month. The first walk will be on Saturday 17th April to Puncknowle
via Chilcombe. We will meet at the Litton Bus Shelter at 10.00am and aim to finish
by 3.00pm. We hope you can join us. Kathy
Kourik Secretary 482552 
Village Singers are looking for new talent! We are a small group of singers who will provide an anthem
or songs for special Church services (Christmas, Easter, Harvest, etc.), weddings,
baptisms, funerals or any other occasion, on request. At the moment we are struggling to keep going - we need
more singers, a conductor and an accompanist for our rehearsals. If you feel
that your talent is just what we need, then we should love to hear from you.
To find out more, please contact Carol Lee on 482368 Bride Valley Gardening Club
Our next meeting will
be on Monday March 8th as usual at 7.30p.m in Thorner's School Litton Cheney when
the Speaker will be Val Hurlston-Gardiner who will talk on the Painswick Rococo
Gardens. I can very much recommend a visit to these Gardens which are still undergoing
restoration in this beautiful part of the country (near Gloucester), but if that
is not possible come along and hear all about them from Ms. Hurlston-Gardiner. Our
Chairwoman has asked me to remind you all that it would be helpful to funds if
you could bring along a raffle prize occasionally. It seems that the same few
do this every month. Dorothy also asks that you may consider joining the Committee
and offering your hand in any way - there will be a Treasurer vacancy from April
AGM when Brenda wishes to step down. Even if you just volunteer to set out tables
and chairs, that would be very useful - again it is the same few who do
this every time. The more you do in the Club the more you get out of it. Thanks
- sermon over!! We look forward to seeing
you, old or new faces, in March. (Date
for diary - Plant Sale May 8th) Norma Millard Club Secretary
897774. Dates for your diary:- The
National Gardens Scheme - Gardens Open in The Bride Valley in 2004 Sunday 11th April The Old Rectory, Litton
Cheney 2.00 - 5.00 pm Sunday 9th May The Old Rectory, Litton
Cheney Tuesday's during June and July The Scented Garden, Little
Bredy 2.30 - 8.00 pm Tuesday 15th June The Old Rectory, Litton
Cheney 2.00 - 6.00 pm Sunday 20th June Tithe Barn House, Litton
Cheney 2.00 - 6.00 pm Langebride House, Long Bredy also opens for The National
Gardens Scheme but for private visits by appointment. Institute
of Advanced Motorists ( Dorset Group )
3rd,10th & 17th March 2004 7.00
- 9.00pm Room
1 County Hall, Dorchester
in the West Nicola
Thorne and Margaret Graham Tuesday March 23rd at Burton Bradstock W.I. Hall, 7.00pm. Tickets £3. The
Romsey Male Voice Choir
The Choir will be holding a Concert in the United Church,
East Street, Bridport on 27th March. Tickets £6.00 ( to include light
refreshments ) can be obtained from Goadsby & Harding Estate Agents or at
the door. Proceeds to the Bridport Branch of the Alzheimer's Society.
Sue Everitt B.B.A.S. Royal British Legion This month's Social will be held at the
New Inn, Shipton Gorge on Monday 29th March at 7.30pm. R.B.L.Women's
Section We will be holding our Easter Monday ( 12th
April ) Sale in the W.I. Hall at 2.30pm. There will be the usual stalls - Cakes,
Bric-a-brac, Plants, Tombola, Books, Raffle etc. Any donations for these stalls
would be gratefully accepted at No. 25 Annings Lane or 9 Barr Lane, Burton Bradstock.
Items may also be left at the Hall on the day, but please not before 1.00pm. Advance Notice There will be an Exhibition of photographs by Ian Brooks
LBIPP, LRPS in the Reading Room Burton Bradstock from Easter Saturday (April 10th)
to Easter Monday. Proceeds in aid of R.B.L. funds. Greta
Heal Hon. Secretary BURTON BRADSTOCK
 Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent 2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125 ********************************************************* Mid Week Worship -
Holy Communion
Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m. Choir Practices
Fridays at 6.00 p.m. Bell Ringing Practices Thursdays at 7.00pm Gift Sunday
28th March Church Mission Society The
next Healing Service at St Mary's will
be held on Monday 8th March The
next Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be
held at 11.00am on Friday 5th March at St. Mary's Church, Burton Bradstock.
Smith ( 898219 ) From the RegistersFuneral and BurialHarold Dockrill, on Friday 23rd January 2004,
a wonderful neighbour and gifted musician. Mothering
Sunday - 21st March Our usual 11.00am Matins will, for Mothering Sunday this
year, be replaced by a special Family Service. Do come along and give thanks
to God for mothers everywhere, for the joy of mothering and parenting, for the
happiness that should be found in families. St Mary's Church APCMPlease note that the date of the Annual Parochial Church
meeting is on Monday 22nd March at 7.30pm in church. This is an important
occasion in the life of St Mary's Church and everyone on our Church Electoral
Roll should give it high priority. At the meeting, elections are held for membership of
the PCC. Out of nine places on the Council, the current six elected members are
all available for re-election. Anyone wishing to submit for election should complete
a nomination form, which will be available in church. Nominations for Churchwardens must be received - in writing
- prior to the meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting a short video - Restoring
Hope in our Church - will be shown. The
Churchwardens Lent LunchThis year St Mary's PCC have agreed to hold only ONE
Lent Lunch. This will take place on Thursday 25th March in the W.I.
Hall between 12 noon and 2.00pm. All villagers are welcome to attend. Lunch
will include home-made soups, bread and cheese, followed by tea or coffee and
biscuits. There will be no set charge, but donations will be invited for three
charities, and you may choose which of the charities you wish to support or indeed
all of them! The PCC nominated the following charities to be supported: Our Church Missionaries Steve and Kathy Burgess, for
their 'Clean Water Appeal' in Kenya. Dorset Air Ambulance. The Red Cross. Please do come along if you possibly can, enjoy some
lunch and friendly chat with friends and neighbours, and at the same time support
these worthwhile causes. We look forward to seeing you there. Lesley
Dove - PCC member The
Big Spring Clean As previously announced, we are intending
to give our beloved St. Mary's a thorough clean inside and out, including the
church yard. This will take place this month and whilst we have names of some
volunteers, we do need some more ( many hands make light work ). If you missed
the original notice but would like to volunteer, please give your name to either
Basil or Howard.
Bradstock W.I. Future
of the W.I. Hall Over 100
people were present on 20th January 2004 when a resolution was passed "for
a new village charity to be set up as a Village Hall Trust''. A committee was
formed comprising of a representative from each of the 5 regular users of the
hall plus one representing the Parish Council also 6 independent members from
the village. This committee has now met to discuss
forming a charity under the guidance of Lois Rose (Dorset Community Action Village
Organiser). Archie Mackie was elected Chairman, Treasurer Bernard Chennells and
Secretary Andrea Wilkinson, who will report on progress in a later issue of the
BVN. The W.I.
wishes the new charity and all its members every success and would like tothank
all who attended the meeting in January and those who have supported us through
the years. Chris
Clarke & Pat Raven Bridge Group will continue to meet in the W.I. Hall
everyTuesday at 2.00pm. New members welcome - further information
from Chris Clarke Tel. 898117. The 45 members present at the February
meeting heard a very interesting talk by Clive Groves on his specialist
subject of Violets. The talk was illustrated by beautiful slides of this lovely
little flower and we were amazed at the many different varieties. The New Year party was a great success and
future events include ,a whist drive, a skittles evening at Freshwater, a bead
weaving course, walks, reading group and badminton which restarts on the 23rd
February. The outing to "Cats" in Southampton on Thursday 6th May still
has seats available on the coach for shoppers. If anyone would like to take
advantage of this please contact Audrey Hayward (898528) The annual meeting will
be in April when the judging will take place for the Watercolour Challenge Cup,
which is for a painting completed during the year. The next meeting is on Tuesday 9th March
at 7.15pm and the speaker will be Jim White talking on the work of English Nature
in Dorset. New Members are always welcome.
Agnes Barham Badminton
& Table Tennis
Are you interested in playing
either of these games: both are good healthy sports. Equipment is available to
play them in the W.I. Hall, Burton Bradstock. We need at least ten people per sport to
make it a viable proposition. All welcome, male and female. Please telephone Peter
Colbert 897922 for more details.
March 23rd Burton
Bradstock W.I. Hall, 7.00pm.
Tickets £3. Writing
in the West Nicola
Thorne and Margaret Graham For further information,
please contact Heather Thomson, Assistant-in-Charge, Burton Bradstock Library
on 01308 897563. Burton
Bradstock Village Society - Change of Speaker 19th March Unfortunately our speaker for March has had to cancel
for medical reasons. However, once again we are most fortunate to find a replacement
at short notice and I am sure you will be delighted to welcome back Richard Edmonds,
who will speak to us on "Chesil Beach and its place in the World Heritage Site".
Richard has given us several excellent presentations over the years and you are
guaranteed an interesting, informative and stimulating evening. Friday, 19th
March at 7.30 pm in the W.I. Hall. Guests and new members are always welcome,
just come along on the night. Carol
Lumley Burton Bradstock Village
Society - January Meeting To many of us, the very name
'Mustang' conjures up images of a native American horse or fast sports car, but
following a talk given by David Barnikel to the society on 16th January entitled
'Travels in the Himalayan Kingdom of Mustang', we all came to realize that it
is a very special part of Nepal. Mustang has been a very isolated
part of the world for centuries but has now been opened up through various expeditions.
David started his trek at Katmandu and then traveled north through lush green
valleys to reach the Kha Li Gan Dhaki Gorge- one of the deepest gorges in the
world. Traveling through the gorge for days he eventually reached the ancient
city of Lo Man Tang. Here he had an audience with the king in his royal palace-
the king was dressed in jeans, trainers and a woolly hat! During the journey, David was
accompanied by other Expedition members and a team of porters and Sherpars who
carried enormous loads of food and equipment. Fortunately, he took many pictures
on the way and in the city and we were treated to a selection of wonderful slides
showing his experiences and ending with some very amusing pictures of local signs-
one in particular outside a cafe read 'Eat dessert first-life is uncertain'. Burton Bradstock Parish Council Housing Needs Survey. Enclosed with this edition for
Burton Bradstock residents is a survey on the need for affordable housing in the
village. Please take time to complete this questionnaire, especially if you or
members of your family have housing needs now or in the near future. The completed
form should be returned in the envelope provided direct to West Dorset District
Council, Housing Enabler Officer. The Parish Council will be given the detailed
results of the survey. Waste Transfer Site A planning application for the
Waste Transfer Site at Wych farm on the Burton Road is being considered by Dorset
County Council on the 5th March 2004. If you feel strongly about this issue you
should write immediately to:- The Planning Officer, Dorset County Council, County
Hall; Dorchester DT1 1XJ. The Parish Council has made a strong objection to this
application but individual representations are essential to influence the decision
making process. Fel Moore Clerk to the Parish Council.
Bradstock Village Web
Site Address Did
you know that the Bride Valley News is
published on this web site every month? In
addition, did you know that old copies of the magazine can
also be viewed on the web site? And,
it is in colour too! SHIPTON GORGE
 Village Correspondent: Mrs. Joy White Eastcote 3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge Tel: ( 01308 )897974 ********************************************************** Shipton Gorge Village Hall The final
Artsreach event of the season will take place on Wednesday 24th March 2004.
We are delighted to welcome back to Shipton Gorge Richard Derrington who will
be performing 'Shakespeare's Other Ann.' Tickets are likely to
sell quickly and can be obtained from Doris Benselin (16 Rockway, tel. 897562)
or, in person, from the New Inn.
Richard Hewlett Secretary Mothering Sunday Family Service- 21st. March at 3.00p.m. Everyone is welcome to
our lovely service of thanksgiving in which our young people will present posies
to their mothers. After the service simnel
cake will be distributed. National Cystic Fibrosis Week -Coffee Morning, Saturday
27th March - 10.30a.m.-12 noon. This will
take place in the Village Hall. Contributions to the cake stall and raffle will
be greatly appreciated. We also hope to run an arts and crafts stall with children
in mind. Please contact me on:
897241 if you can help in any way. Cystic Fibrosis. This is one
of the U.K.'s most common life-threatening inherited diseases. 1 in every 2,500
babies is born with it and there are over 7,500 sufferers in this country. Cystic Fibrosis affects
vital organs in the body, especially the lungs and the digestive system, and sufferers
are very susceptibleto
chest infections that can cause serious lung damage. The C.F. Trust is the only national charity solely concerned
with the well-being of people with C.F., and funds medical and scientific research
aimed at understanding, treating and curing the condition. The C.F.Trust is aiming
to raise £15 million to fund a five year gene therapy programme, which will enable
an effective therapy for C.F. to be developed. This will dramatically increase
life expectancy and should eventually lead to a cure being found. Please come along and
support this worthy cause. Janet
Lane Shipton
Gorge Village Hall 100 Club Winners
for the February Draw £20
No 68 Gra ham Rosamund £10
No 18 Leslie Crutchley 
SWYRE Village Correspondent: Sid Marshall 3
Green Barton, Swyre Tel: 897318 ********************************************************** A warm welcome to Kes and Mark who have moved into Berwick

Correspondents: Elizabeth Slater & Sid Marshall ********************************************************** PUN
FUN - Asian Supper Evening For
all the people of Puncknowle, Swyre and West Bexington. Friday
26th March 7.30 - 10.00pm Puncknowle Hall Any props you may have
to give the evening an Asian feel would be appreciated, also if you can contribute
to the food in any way - curry, popadoms, chutney, or rice please let us know
in advance. Everyone welcome - come and get to know more people from the villages
- plenty of chance to chat. Don't forget your favourite
tipple and a donation towards the cost of hall hire and heating would be appreciated.
Contact Nos.898492/897751 Fund raising events for the Air Ambulance to be held
at Bull Inn, Swyre:- 6th March - Pete's Sensation Nite (Competition). 13th March - Stars in Your Eyes. Who
do you do? 20th March - Quiz Nite. 27th March - Bulls Eye. Aim to win
an easy question. For further details please ring Chris or Sue at the Bull
on 897250. Puncknowle and Swyre Parish Council 3rd February
2004 The Parish Council will meet at 7.30 on the 2nd
March at Puncknowle Church Hall. Puncknowle
Swyre and West Bexington Homewatch Community Vehicle
- The community vehicle will be at Puncknowle Bottom between 12.30 and 13.30 on
Thursday 25th March. If you have never visited the vehicle why not go and see
Anne who runs the vehicle with any security queries. Andy Marshall - 897732 PUNCKNOWLE
& WEST BEXINGTON  Village Correspondent: Elizabeth Slater 1,
Lytton Close, Puncknowle, Dorchester DT2 9BH
Telephone: ( 01308 ) 897751 Mothering
Sunday - 21st March Our usual
11.00am Puncknowle Praise Service will for Mothering Sunday this year be replaced
by a Family Service in praise and thanks to God for Mothers and Mothering. Weather
permitting, posies will be given to all our ladies! Annual
Church Meeting - 28th March This is a vital occasion in the life of St Mary's
Church, and should be given high priority by everyone on our Church Electoral
Roll. It will take place immediately after our Holy Communion Service at 11.00am.
Anthony Ashwell Bride Valley Fledglings Playgroup - ( See
page 8 of Valley Notes for this month's report ) LENT FRUGAL LUNCH in the Church Hall, Wednesday
10 March from 12.30pm. Come and join us for home made soup and bread. The collection
will be for Fair Trade whose aim, is to provide a living wage for producers of
food in the Third World. March 1 - 14 is Fair Trade Fortnight. SOCIAL EVENING Thursday 18th March 7.30
pm in the Church Hall. Jasper Shackleton will be showing slides and telling of
his journey IN THE WAKE OF WILLIAM BLIGH in a replica of the Bounty's
launch. Don't miss this special evening. There will be tea/coffee and biscuits
and a collection to cover the speaker's and our expenses Ann Roberts Puncknowle
Art Group The AGM was very productive with many ideas for this
year's programme which has now been printed. Our first drawing session was a still
life set by Doreen Print. Dates for March are - 5th A visit to Bridport
Arts Centre - 19th A workshop on Seurat. Christine Molony
Don't forget to check the village website to keep in touch with village events and find useful
information LITTON CHENEY
 Village Correspondent: Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close ********************************************************** Annual
Church Meeting - 30th March Our APCM will take place at 7.30pm in the Church Hall,
and it should be given high priority by everyone on our Church Electoral Roll.
Do please attend if you possibly can. Anthony Ashwell Dates
for your Diary - The Church Fete! The Church Fete will be held on Monday 31st
May at The Old Rectory. A preliminary planning meeting will be held in the Church
Hall on Thursday 4th March at 7.30 pm. If you would like to be involved
in any way by running a stall, selling raffle tickets, collecting goods for the
stalls, helping on the day with setting up etc., do come along and give us your
ideas and offers of help. Litton
Cheney Social Committee Saturday 6th March - join us for a litter
pick. Meet at 10.00am at the bus shelter weather permitting. Please ring if
in doubt. Wear gloves - everything else provided. Children under 16 to be accompanied
by an adult.  For your diaries:-
The Annual Duck Race - Easter Sunday 11th
April - more details next month Saturday 17th April - join us for a 5 mile
walk via a pub for lunch. This is a new venture which will take place (weather
permitting) every third Saturday of the month - check BVN for details of the walk
each month. We will meet at the bus shelter at 10.00am and aim to walk about
5 miles with a stop for lunch a a pub finishing about 3.00pm. April's walk will
be to Puncknowle via Chilcombe. We hope you will be able to make it.
Kourik Secretary 482552 Litton
Cheney Village Assembly The Annual Village Assembly will be held on Tuesday 9th
March at Thorner's School at 7.00pm. The speaker will be Mr Andy Lloyd from Dorset
Community Action on the subject of affordable rural housing. His talk will be
followed by the usual Annual Assembly which has no fixed agenda at which anyone
can raise items of concern or problems in the village. All village residents
are invited to attend and join the discussion. The Litton Cheney Vital Villages Steering Group invite
you to the School Hall from 6.30pm prior to the Assembly for coffee, tea and biscuits.
The draft questionnaire compiled after the Open Meetings in February will be on
display for your comments. We hope that as many of you as possible who attended
the Open Meetings will come along to view the draft, comment and take part in
the Annual Parish Assembly. If you want more information about Vital Villages
in Litton Cheney either view the village web site
or email The
Mobile Library will be in Litton Cheney
by the Bus Shelter on Thursday 11th March and Thursday 25th
March between 3.25 and 4.10pm. Litton
Cheney Playing Field Association The association were very grateful and pleased to receive
£100 from the Bridport Police Ball. We are holding a Coffee Morning on Saturday
13th March at 11 o'clock in the Church Hall, Bring and Buy, Cakes,
Raffle and Fence Post Appeal! If you are unable to come but would like to buy
a fence post contact Elizabeth Kingston 482384 Advance
date for your diary:- The Fifth Playing Field Fun Day Sunday 12th
September Did you know? In 1304 the village was granted an Annual
Fair to be held in September. As it is now the 700th anniversary
are there any groups or individuals who would like to help reinstate this historic
event. Katharine
Jones 482589 Litton
Cheney Youth Club The junior session is from 6.30 - 8.00 pm and from 8.00-9.30
pm for seniors. They meet on Tuesday evenings. For further details contact Paul
Kingston 482384. Farewell to Susie, Keith and Caroline Smart who
will shortly be leaving the village after nearly 20 years. We wish them all the
best for the future. Visit the web site for the latest
news. The group meets at The White Horse
Inn at 8.30pm on the first Monday
of each month. All welcome. LONG BREDY
 Village Correspondent: Mrs.
Elinor Frost, Bridelands ( 482269 ) ********************************************************** Mothering
Sunday - 21st March Our usual 9.30am Family Service on this third Sunday
of the month will take the theme of Mothering. Do come along to this Service
of great thanks and joy, for Mothers and Mothering everywhere. Posies will be
given to all our ladies, weather permitting. Annual
Church Meeting - 23rd March This meeting will take place at 7.30pm in the Village
Hall, and is a most important occasion in the life of our church. It really should
be given top priority by everyone on our Church Electoral Roll, so please do come
Anthony Ashwell Long Bredy and Kingston
Russell Parish CouncilThe
Long Bredy and Kingston Russell Parish Council work hard on behalf of the village
in a wide variety of ways, often only appreciated by us when things need putting
right. By now the youngsters in the village will be enjoying the new goalposts
and nets in the playing field, inspiring a new Beckham perhaps!! The council
would ask that children treat the play equipment with care, and parents, if you
see something broken or dangerous please let someone associated with the Council
know as soon as possible. Also let us know if you would like other play equipment
in the field, we will see what can be done. Speeding
traffic through the village has become a worry recently and we ask that everyone
drives and encourages others to drive carefully. Also take particular care by
the entrance to the playing field and The Rookery where children are often playing.
Meetings are advertised with a minimum of one week's notice on the Village Noticeboard
and everyone is welcome to attend. Do not be afraid of bringing your concerns
to the attention of the Parish Council; this can be done easily by contacting
the Parish Clerk on 01208 482270. Two reports of Kingfisher sightings in the
village recently and with the spring flowers well on the way, the season is moving
forward. It was good to see Rosemary Dewhurst and her family out in the
village recently. Rosemary's leg will, hopefully, be in a shorter plaster cast
soon. (Rosemary broke her leg Christmas morning.) We wish the family well. Dick
and Margaret Elliott have a grandchild,
Oliver: a son for Lisa and Mark. Trevor
and Elizabeth Toogood also have a grandson, Ben,
a son for Stephanie and Martin. Congratulations to Trevor and Elizabeth on their
Silver Wedding this month. LITTLEBREDY
 The Social Club is going from strength to strength. Congratulations to
the Wilkinsons and Quizmaster John March for the excellent Quiz Night in January
(marred only for the locals by the fact that the winners were a visiting team
from Litton Cheney...!), and thanks too to all those who organised the relaxed
social evening at the beginning of February. Not resting on their laurels, the committee invites everyone to another
Social Evening in the Village Hall on Saturday 6th March. A light supper
will be provided, and a video for youngsters to watch will be screened at 8.00
p.m. Once it has finished, the DVD "Who wants to be a Millionaire"
Challenge will begin: 50p a go, with the first to "£1,000,000" scooping
the pool. No conferring, and fines will be levied to add to the pool from
any non-competitor watching and calling out the answer! There was a dummy run
or two last month, and it promises to be good fun. All are welcome. Sheila Prideaux has asked that her grateful thanks for all the cards,
flowers, good wishes and offers of practical help she has received as a result
of her short stay in hospital at the end of January should be passed on in these
notes. Sheila is now making a good recovery - get well soon. Ash Wednesday, on 26th February, began the Lenten season of self-denial.
Tessa Jackson invites everyone in the village at lunchtime on Wednesday 10th
March to a Frugal Lunch at the Old Parsonage. Basic fare will be provided,
with voluntary cash donations going to a charity of Tessa's choice. As always,
all are welcome. Finally, two pieces of very good news - 2 engagements within the village
to record. Congratulations to Emma Byrne and Daniel Barrett, whose wedding will
be in Church in September, and also to Rachel Hallett, who became engaged to James
Vann during their recent trip doing relief work in the Ecuadorian rainforest.
All very best wishes for the future to all four of them. 
Churches in Wiltshire and
Dorset are amongst the most successful at meeting the spiritual needs of young
Christians, according to the latest church attendance statistics. Provisional figures for national attendance in 2002,
published by Church House Westminster, show that the average number of children
and young people attending church each month increased by 1% over 2001, to 421,000.
Yet of the Church of England's 44 dioceses, Salisbury is one of only 26 to see
considerable signs of growth in attendance levels for 11 to 25 year olds.
average weekly youth attendance for 2002 in our Diocese was recorded at 6,200
(up 9% on 2001). The numbers of 11 to 15 year olds engaged in non-worship church
activities was 2,600, whilst 700 16 to 25 year olds were involved with their local
church during the year. And there were 900 adult volunteers working with young
people aged 11 or above. Jonathan
Whiter, Diocesan Youth Adviser, is not surprised to learn of our success in engaging
with young Christians. He believes the key to this achievement lies in changing
attitudes towards youth ministry. "More
churches are waking up to the fact that they need to change in order to be relevant
to young people," he says. "This means experimenting with different
worship models, including all-age worship. Services by young people, for young
people are increasing in popularity, such as the Hot Chocolate youth group
which meets in Salisbury, and The Far Side based in Marlborough and Poole.
And at Buckhorn Weston, near Gillingham, a toddlers' club, youth club and mid-week
club were all set up within six months!" He
adds, "Another key issue is the increase in ministry work during the week.
Many churches are recognising that it's not about getting more children and young
people to attend the Sunday morning service, but about reaching out to them at
their point of need. "During
my travels throughout the Diocese I have seen just how busy the youth and children's
clubs are. The youth attendance statistics for Salisbury are very
encouraging and a tribute to all the hard work put in by our dedicated youth and
children's workers, both paid and voluntary. They rarely get recognition for
the challenging work they do, but there is lots of good news!" For
further informationPlease
contact Kate Pardy on 01722 339447 or 07770961629 Origins
of the Bride Valley! In Pagan times, the beginning of February saw the celebration
of the fire festival of Imbolc. A time of rebirth, fertility and nurturing;.
the very beginning of spring and the first flowers, heralded by the purity of
the snowdrop and the faintest glimmering of buds on bushes and trees; a month
still wintry, yet full of promise. The days are lengthening in northern latitudes,
and candles are lit to celebrate and encourage the return of the Sun and the renewel
of creation. Imbolc in the Christian tradition became known as Candlemas, a festival
of light and celebrated on the 2nd February. The festival also recognises
the Purification of the Virgin Mary, when she went to the temple for 40 days after
giving birth to Jesus, to be cleansed. The Romans named the month of February
after a word signifying purification. Traditionally, the Crone of winter is reborn as the virgin
at Imbolc, known to the Celts as Brigid, or Bride, a fire goddess and one of her
main aspects was as a healer. The Celtic image was of a virgin full of potential
for nurturing on all levels. Out with winter, went the old negative thoughts
and actions, making way for the healing of the new. Bride's Day is also a part
of Candlemas. Bride is a goddess connected not only with fire, but
sacred wells, beauty and arts and crafts. One of Bride's main symbols is the
swan, a creature of the water. Many sacred wells throughout Britain are actually
called Bridewell, after the Virgin Goddess. Bride, was the Goddess of Healing,
and people would go to her wells to drink and dip, and be cured of their physical
and emotional ailments. Perhaps the River Bride owes its name, and hence the
Bride Valley, to this goddess of Spring.
Valerie Jeffery FRIDGE DOOR (One half of the World is overweight. The
other half starves!) Snick............... the fridge door Heard through the floor As greedy fingers snap At un-needed Supper snack. Snick .............. every half-hour Wide lips devour And in the Far East One more life has ceased. Snick............... while the late film
Drones in the front room Crust overlaps the plate In Ethiopia it's getting late! Snick .............. while Mr. Well-Fed Getting ready for bed Indulges his whim Beseeching eyes grow dim! Snick .............. while Mr. Obese Wipes chicken-leg grease From his fingers, serene, An Asian child grows lean! Snick ............. "I was an-hungered!"
Oh how those words thundered "I was your Brother In the face of Another!" Snick .............. Lucifer's door Heard through Heaven's floor The rich glutton is fasting His poor brothers?....... With the Saviour repasting!
Valley Resident CHURCH GROWTH I read in my newspaper the other
day, an article about the deliberations of General Synod. The Archbishop of Canterbury
spoke about a report called 'Mission-Shaped Church' that said our society was
now second, or even third, generation pagan'. Presumably this is the national
picture, but we must ask ourselves if that picture is reflected in the Bride Valley.
Are our churches growing? In the thirty odd years that I have lived here, St.
Mary's Burton Bradstock has been sustained largely by 'transfer growth' - committed
Christians who have retired here from parishes in other places. Our gain has been
their loss. Of course we are pleased to have them, and may this long continue!
But should that be the end of the story? I think not. St. Matthew spells out for us,
that we should all be co-operating with God in helping people to discover and
respond to the good news about Jesus, through prayer, lifestyle, conversation
and concern. No one would deny that we need
to reach young families, and through them to the children. Fortunately, we have
in the Bride Valley a few young families who are committed Christians. They need
all the prayer, support and encouragement that we can give them; they are the
best ambassadors we've got. It is not just for our PCC's to ask themselves whether
we are providing that prayer, support and encouragement. We can of course, maintain the
status quo, not do anything controversial, not rock the boat by trying out too
many new ideas. We can kill very quickly new initiatives and opt for the quiet
life. My guess is that Jesus would prefer us to be a group of 'mission-shaped'
churches in the Bride Valley. A new page is about to be presented
to the Bride Valley with the appointment of the Rev'd. Bob Thorn as Rector. What
will we write upon it? It is certain that Bob will have his own vision of how
best to take our churches forward, but I would hazard a guess that 'growth' will
be on the agenda. Whatever that agenda turns out to be, us pew-dwellers need to
ask ourselves whether we are going to be a help or hindrance.
Mike Read |