June 2002 |
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Church Service Times | |
From The Clergy | |
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Valley Notes - all the other 'whats on' bits | |
Burton Bradstock - The Church + other village organisations | |
Shipton Gorge | |
Chilcombe | |
Swyre | |
Puncknowle & West Bexington | |
Litton Cheney | |
Long Bredy | |
Littlebredy | |
Thought for the Month | |
Diary of Events for all Parishes - This month - check it out |
The Queen's Golden Jubilee
Much has already been written and said about H.M. The Queen's Golden Jubilee. I can add little to that. However, celebrations of a wide variety take place all over the country this month and the Bride Valley is taking its part in the rejoicing on this great occasion.
Of all our monarchs in the past only the 13th century Henry III, the 14th century Edward III, the 18th/19th century George III and Queen Victoria (with her magnificent 64 years) achieved fifty years on the throne. Of the four, only Victoria managed actually to rule throughout her monarchy. Henry, Edward and George were either too young or too ill at times actually to take the reins for a full half-century.
So our Queen's fifty years really is something to celebrate. We remain one of the world's few nations having or retaining the monarchy. It is a way of government that appears obsolete to some people. Nonetheless the House of Windsor has served us well.
As we give thanks for our Queen's life and example we pray for
God's continued blessing upon her, and upon Prince Philip and all the Royal
Family. May she continue to be blessed in her devotion to her people and the
service of her nation and Commonwealth. May she continue long to "…
defend our laws, and ever give us cause to sing with heart and voice, 'God save
The Queen'".
John Atkinson
Jennifer Rees Larcombe will be speaking at a day conference on Saturday 15th June, 10.00am to 4.00pm. The title for the day is "Moving Deeper into Healing". This has been organised by the Rev. Ken Scott as Adviser for Healing for the Archdeaconry. The cost will be £7.50. Drinks provided throughout the day - bring your own lunch.
Jennifer is an author and nationally known speaker, who God miraculously healed
after many years of crippling illness. Her ministry when she came and spoke
last year was greatly appreciated.
The venue is Stratton Village Hall. Stratton is about 4 miles from Dorchester
on the A37. The hall is at the west end of the village by the village green
and the pub(!) and it does have a hearing loop installed.
For more details, or to book a place please contact:
The Rev'd Ken Scott, The Rectory, Frampton, Dorchester DT2 9NL.
Tel: 01300 320429
e-mail: kenjscott@care4free.net
Thanksgiving Services throughout the Valley on Sunday
Litton Cheney:
Jubilee Fete ~ Monday 3rd
Shipton Gorge:
Jubilee Party ~Monday 3rd
Burton Bradstock:
Children's Party & Barn Dance~Monday 3rd
W.I. Spring Fair ~ Tuesday 4th
W.I. Fashion Show & Supper Thursday 6th
Over 60's Tea Party ~ Saturday 8th
Long Bredy:
Flower Festival ~ Saturday to Tuesday 1st - 4th
Party ~ Tuesday 4th
Mid Summer Jubilee Party Saturday 22nd
Jubilee Party
H.M. The Queen's Golden Jubilee On Sunday 2nd June we shall be giving thanks at all our parish church services for the fifty-year reign of Queen Elizabeth.
The Lyme Bay Deanery Synod will be welcoming The Bishop of Sherborne to celebrate and preach at a Eucharist at St Mary's Church, Bridport on Thursday 6th June at 7.30 pm to mark the beginning of the newly-elected Synod's three-year term.
Confirmation Course
At last we are making a start, with a view to Confirmation at Salisbury Cathedral
on the afternoon of Saturday 9th November. I envisage up to a dozen sessions
on Thursdays at 5.30pm for about ¾ hour at Puncknowle Church Hall. The
dates I have settled for this term are:
June 13th, 20th, 27th
July 4th, 11th, 18th
For the autumn term we are looking at:
September 12th, 19th, 26th
October 3rd, 10th, 31st
November 7th
The group numbers about 10 at present, and its age range is 11 to 50+ (including
a dad and grandad!). I pray that this will be a really positive experience of
all-age learning, and it's not too late to sign up, but quickly please. There
may, however, be individuals for whom Thursdays are inconvenient, and I am intending
in the school summer holidays at times to be agreed, to run the same course
but in fewer longer sessions. Again if anyone is interested to join this group,
which at present numbers 2, do please get in touch.
Anthony Ashwell (482302)
Bride Valley Bible Study (Wednesday) Group
Our summer course is under way and details are on the church noticeboards. We
are studying the Epistle of James, a letter full of direct instructions and
one which could be described as 'in your face'.
The arrangements for June and July are:
Session 3: James III
5th June Casterbridge, Annings Lane, Burton Bradstock
12th June The Old Rectory, Litton Cheney
Session 4: James IV
19th June 7 Norburton, Burton Bradstock
26th June Hillside, West Bexington
Session 5: James V
3rd July Fir Tree Cottage, Shipton Gorge
10th July The Rectory, Litton Cheney
As usual the Wednesday sessions begin at 7.30pm and last for about two hours, which includes coffee, chat, study and prayer. If people find that they cannot make a particular evening, they can always go to the session at the other end of the valley covering the same material. All are most welcome to join us, but please do remember to bring your Bible. (Advance notice: in September we shall begin a study of St Mark's Gospel, and this will last well into 2003.)
Holy Communion at home
It is the great privilege of the clergy to take Holy Communion to the homes
of people who either permanently or temporarily are unable to get to church.
Please do not be afraid to enquire about this from John or myself, and no special
preparations are necessary, for we bring everything to make Holy Communion at
home the most special occasion.
Anthony Ashwell
Every Thursday evening at 7.30 pm, there is a chance for anyone who is interested to come and study the Bible. There is a small group that meet in each others houses to enjoy fellowship and of course, tea, coffee and biscuits. If you would like to join us, please phone Jo and Paul on ... or Sally and Jonathan on 897068 for more details. We look forward to seeing you.
Mothers' Union
To clebrate the Golden Jubilee, the Lyme Bay Deanery are holding a Fun Afternoon
on Wednesday 26th June at St. Mary's Church Hall, Bridport at 2.30pm. All branches
are to put on an "entertainment"..... Bride Valley's promises to be
hilarious! Tea will be followed by Evensong in the church.
There will be a 'Tea Time Praise' on Sunday 23rd June at 4.00 pm in Puncknowle (in the park if the weather is good, in the village hall if weather is poor). All families are welcome. There will be tea and cakes afterwards. Do come and join us.
The Team Vicar
Having quietly celebrated (with Anna!) our Coral Wedding on May 20th, I am having
a late 60th birthday present on 14th June, and going for a noisy helicopter
ride, complete with a little 'driving' tuition, near Stonehenge. I do hope the
only thing to result from this will be a sermon.
Anthony Ashwell
Can you help?
Coloured Scarves for Activities Do you have any unwanted plain coloured
silky or chiffony scarves that you could donate for an Alzheimer colour therapy
Music cassettes Have you any music cassettes that you do not want? If so, we
would love to have them for musical activity sessions. All types of music would
be welcome. If you have any of the above items, please ring Anna Ashwell on
01308-482302. Thank you.
School Uniform
Is there anyone who could take over the second-hand uniform sales from September
as my daughter Jodie is leaving Burton Bradstock School. It is very straight
forward and is a help for the school to get those extra little items. Please
ring 897222 or see me, Liz Comley, at the school.
Burton Bradstock School
The school said au revoir to Sheila Loftus, our Head of Infants and Reception
teacher at the end of May. Sheila has begun her maternity leave and all our
best wishes go out to her, Dominic her husband and her son, Jack.
Sheila was one of only 12 teachers in Dorset to achieve Advanced Skills status this year. This is a new Government initiative that aims to keep excellent teachers in the classroom if they wish, rather than go for management promotion. For one day a week Sheila has lent her expertise to other local schools. She has worked with their Early Years staff and they have visited our school to gain a fuller picture of effective Early Years teaching. On her day a week away I have employed another excellent Reception teacher, Sally Brown and I was pleased to be able to let our parents know that I had successfully appointed Sally to replace Sheila in her absence.
We invite you all to our Summer Fair on Saturday 22nd June in and around the school. Our children will be entertaining you as usual with country dancing and maypole displays and our school band will play during the afternoon. Jan Thorne's gymnasts will be performing and there will be a special bear hunt at 4.00 to celebrate the centenary of the teddy-bear...what!!! You didn't know it was...well you do now.
I shall take musicians to Veda Bull's garden on the following afternoon to help her raise money for the British Heart Foundation, so if you've any energy left, do come and support this good cause.
On the evening of July 4th the school throws its doors open to any parent or villager curious to have a good look around. All staff will be on hand to answer any questions about their rooms, or how we teach in the 21st Century and children will be demonstrating various activities on our computers. Refreshments are available and the fun begins at 6.00 pm. Doors close at 9.00pm.
On the following evening the school takes over the W.I. Hall for a family barn dance. I'm calling the dances and the band will consist of current and ex- Burtoners. Tickets will be available from the school if you are interested in coming.
We celebrate the end of term with a musical concert, again in the W.I. Hall. All children and our music groups and bands will be performing a wide variety of items that reflect the musical opportunities that our children have.
Best wishes
David Powell
Lucky 100 Club winners for April
£20 M Conway
£10 S Sutton
£5 M Burwood
First Steps Parent and Toddler Group meet on Wednesday from 10.00am till
12 noon and are based at Long Bredy Village Hall. We will be meeting during
the school half term break and offer toys and activities for all pre-school
children, coffee and chat for parents and carers. For further details contact:
Jo (Litton Cheney) ... or Julie (Puncknowle) 897178 or Lavinia (Long Bredy)
Litton Cheney Youth Club continues to meet in the Church Hall for further details please read the Litton Cheney notes.
Thorner's School, Litton Cheney
In the last few weeks pupils in Key Stage 2 have been trying Maypole dancing
for the first time; we have not got a tradition of Maypole dancing, but dancing
in PE sessions is common. It is surprising how different Maypole dancing can
be, it depends on teamwork and thinking alike, listening to the music to get
your cue and controlling the ribbon. What a lot to think about all at the same
time and on the first attempt the ribbons ended up like knitting! As time passed
patterns gradually emerged and pupils have become more familiar with the discipline.
Do come along to either or both of the following events, when you can judge
for yourself how well they have mastered the skills. We are having a Jubilee
Tree Planting afternoon on Friday 31st May (2.30pm) and then again our dancers
will be at our Jubilee Fete on Monday 3rd June (2.00pm onwards), both events
taking place at school. If you are interested in trying Maypole dancing first
hand do let me know as we are hoping to encourage people to try for themselves.
I would like to say a big thank you to all those people and businesses
who have given items for our Grand Draw, due to be drawn at 4.00pm at the Jubilee
Fete. We have some marvellous prizes, not only the Gent's Bike donated by Just
Bikes of Dorchester but Paul Adams, our local acclaimed artist, has kindly donated
the Star prize of an Original painting.... I am wondering which of the paintings
it will be ... why not come and have a look on the day? If, like me, you do
not want the bike you might be lucky enough to win a meal for two, either at
No.10 Bridport or Summer Lodge, Evershot ...I have been told I ought to go as
it is rather "posh" so you had better get out your Sunday if you want
to win that.
As the end of term is coming closer, classes are off on trips to investigate
or experience first hand events from the past. In particular class 2 are going
to be evacuated, as were the children in World War II, with their class teachers,
but there will be a few surprises on the way.
Alison Johnstone Headteacher.
A big thank you to everyone involved in making our Bingo Evening a great success;
it raised a fantastic total of £500.
Also a huge thank you to NIGEL ARAK-NEWMAN our very own 'Action-Dad' who raised a grand total of £81.50 climbing Mount Blanc for the School.
Our big event coming up is the FETE to be held on Monday 3rd June from 2.00pm. JUST BIKES of Dorchester have very generously donated a superb bicycle for our main Raffle prize and PAUL ADAMS, locally acclaimed artist has generously donated an original painting. Other prizes include a meal for 2 at No 10 and a tour around Palmer's Wine.
If you have any TESCO COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOLS vouchers at home, please send them in!
Future events include the barn dance in July and the Parents Disco on Friday 11th October.
Lastly, we need a Social Secretary. If anyone would like to get involved, please call Liza Adams-Smith on 01308 482440 or Mandy Wakely on 01308 482272. The next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 18th June at 7:30pm in the Staff Room, all parents welcome.
The 100 Club Winners were Wendy Collinson - £15 and Beryl Peach - £10 (again!).
Liza Adams-Smith
Chair Thorner's School Association
Bride Valley Scout Group
Help needed - We need someone to help our Scout Leader at meetings held on Wednesday
evenings from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. You don't have to help every week but be willing
to attend on an occasional basis. Please contact Pat Tucker (897197) if you
would like more details. Grand Raffle - tickets are on sale at Burton Bradstock
P.O., Jayne's Hairdressers and The Crown at Puncknowle, or from Katherine Jones
(L. Cheney), Pat Tucker (Shipton G.), Steve Dove (B.B.) and Ruth Brierley (Puncknowle).
There are some excellent prizes so please support our fundraising for a New
Ruth Brierley Secretary BVSG
Coffee Morning at Hive Beach Café
By kind permission of the proprietor, Steve Attrill, there will be a Coffee
Morning at the Hive Beach Café, Burton Bradstock on Friday 7th June.
All profits from drinks sold between 10.00am - 11.00am will be given to West
Dorset Mencap. Also on sale will be home-made cakes and biscuits as well as
West Dorset Mencap Grand Summer Draw tickets. There are over £1000 worth
of prizes in this year's Grand Draw including £200 towards a holiday of
your own choice, P&O Ferry tickets, Condor Ferry tickets, £100 cash
and many vouchers of £40. Raffle tickets are also available from Lesley
Dove (897695). The Draw takes place at the end of the West Dorset Mencap Summer
Fayre on Saturday 15th June in the United Reformed Church Hall, East Street,
Bridport (10am - 1pm).
Lesley Dove Secretary West Dorset Mencap
Don't forget this date for your diary!
Tuesday 11th June, Coffee Morning from 10.30 am at Glebe End, Litton Cheney.
All proceeds to the Joseph Weld Hospice. Stalls - Plants, Cakes, Books, Fancy
Goods and a Raffle.
Any contributions for the stalls would be very welcome (ring 482404) but your
presence on the day especially welcome!
Nancy Vicars and Rachel Gershfield
Ladybirds would like to thank Tamarisk Farm, Modbury Farm and Jim at Longhorn
Beef for generous contributions for their cookery demonstration. The next meeting
is a barbeque at 7.30 pm at the home of Jenny Prentice, Steddings, Litton Cheney
on Wednesday 12th June.
Bride Valley Gardening Club Mini Show will take place on Sunday 7th July 2002, Thorner's School at 2.00 pm. The arrangements will be the same as last year with registration between 9.30am and 12.30pm. Judging will again be by popular vote with results announced at 4.00pm. Tea and cakes. Admission free.
There will be an exhibition in St Mary's Church Litton Cheney of work done
to the Altar Kneelers and refurbishment of one of the Altar Chairs. This will
take place on Friday 2nd August and Saturday 3rd August from 10.00am to 4.00pm
on each day.
Do come and talk with us about what we have done - and even share a cup of tea
or coffee with us! We look forward to seeing you.
Mary Slark
The Club finished the season on 18th April with a fine supper at the White Horse
Inn, which was well attended. If you wish to join us, we will be starting the
season in September at the White Horse Inn, Litton Cheney on Thursdays at 7.30
Val Martin
Royal British Legion Women's Section
Guided Walk around Burton Bradstock- People & Places-
with Elizabeth Buckler Gale.
Thursday 20th June
Meet at the playing fields at 2.00pm.Duration approximately 2 hours
£2.50 to include light tea at finish
'The popular publication 'Gardens of England and Wales Open for Charity'
(affectionately known as 'The Yellow Book) is now for sale in bookshops and
other outlets throughout the country.
Tuesdays in June, July and on 6 August
The Scented Garden, Little Bredy 2-8.30pm
Tuesday 11th June The Old Rectory, Steddings and Tithe Barn, Litton Cheney 2-7pm
Sunday 14th July Steddings and Tithe Barn, Litton Cheney 2-7 pm
*******************STOP PRESS*******************
Bride Valley Young Farmers Club
What? .. A barrel? You mean roll it? Where to? There and back again of course and that is just the challenge that this enthusiastic group of Young Farmers undertook. Yes a barrel - filled with water - was rolled from Long Bredy to Litton Cheney and back - with a stop at the White Horse of course.
On May 15th at 7.00 p.m., the group, in Fancy Dress, set out on the challenge. By 8.30 p.m. on the same day(!) they were back at the start having completed the circuit in what must be record time. Well it must be mustn't it? It's not been done before as far as we know and so it must be a record. Yes, it IS a record. There's a challenge for someone else now.
The purpose? Well of course there had to be a purpose. No one in their right mind would roll a barrel some three and a half miles for nothing would they? Not unless.. No no don't tempt me. Of course there was a purpose. It was to raise funds for both the club and for Cancer Research. And they did really well over £200 promised in sponsorship to be shared equally.
Congratulations to all who took part. What a spectacle, what a sight and what 'control' of a water filled barrel on a steep slope.
The young club members would, through the pages of the Bride Valley News, like
to thank all those kind people who generously sponsored them and helped them
to raise such a magnificent sum of money. They would also like to thank those
unsuspecting motorists who were held up whilst the event made its way past them.
Thanks too to those who came out of their houses en route to watch the barrel
roll by. Oh! And finally, special thanks to Helen and Stuart Horsley for guiding
the group and to John ffoulkes for leading the parade with his Land Rover and
flashing light.
Village Correspondent Mr Basil Dent
2, Norburton, Burton Bradstock. Tel:- (01308) 897125
Holy Baptism 28th April Maisy A. Attrill
Wedding 11th May Stephen C. Heald and Vanessa A. Tett
Burial of Ashes 22nd April Vivienne M. G. Berry
Mid Week Worship - Holy Communion Wednesdays at 10.00 a.m. followed
by coffee in the Rectory
Choir Practices Fridays at 6.00 p.m.
Gift Sunday 16th June Bible Lands Society
Tiny Tots / Pram Service THERE WILL BE NO TINY TOTS SERVICE IN JUNE, as two were held in May, that on the 31st being a celebration party for the Queen's Jubilee. The beginning of June will be half term, so the next Tiny Tots / Pram Service will be on Friday 5th July at 11.00 am.
The next Healing Services at St Mary's will be held on Monday 24th June and Wednesday 24th July, each at 7.00 pm.
The Parochial Church Council next meets on Monday 17th June at 7.00 pm.
Appointment of organist Mr Duncan Honeyborne has accepted our invitation to be organist of St Mary's from the beginning of this month. Already a number of our people have met Duncan as he has accompanied services over the past couple of months. We welcome him to his new post and look forward to many good new things.
I take this opportunity of thanking again all the organists
who have helped us over the past 2½ years since Jim Wilmot left for
Stafford, and Mike Read for all his care in arranging organists for us over
that time.
John Atkinson
A Coffee Morning will be held at Burton Bradstock Rectory on Thursday 20th June from 10.00 am to 12 noon, to benefit St Mary's Church funds. There will be a cake stall, Bring and Buy and raffle. Everyone from church and village will be most welcome.
Lyn Lingley's Centenary
Thursday 13th June will be a momentous day for Lyn, when she will be celebrating
her 100th birthday. Lyn now lives at Bymead in Charmouth, and there at 10.30am
there will be a short Service of Thanksgiving. In the afternoon something
more secular is planned, but 'nuff said'.
Lyn: congratulations, love and best wishes from Burton Bradstock especially,
and from all our readers.
Anthony Ashwell
St. Mary's Church
By now it will be common knowledge that we have had another act of theft and
damage. By the methods used and damage caused, the culprits must have been
in the church for some considerable time: at the approximate time of this
event, people must have been passing the church.
Over the years we have asked regularly that parishioners look in at the church as they go past in order to deter such happenings. Unless parishioners do help in this way it must surely be obvious that we shall be forced to review our policy of keeping St. Mary's open.
Burton Bradstock Village Society
Members entering the W.I. Hall for their April meeting were intrigued to see
a striped canvas booth standing in readiness for some politically incorrect
drama. They were not disappointed. Professor Glanville Magor began his fascinating
talk with a slide projection on the history of Punch & Judy and we learnt
that it was all started by the Greeks. Male actors, wearing masks and sometimes
body stockings, played either gender. Then the Italians took over and the
characters became marionettes. Pulcinella, with his hooked nose and humped
back, gradually evolved as Punch, an English type of buffoon with a wife named
Judy, and somewhere along the way this adult form of humour was judged suitable
for children, when the shows were performed in the parlours of the rich. With
swazzle and props, Professor Magor concluded with a short show, which included
all the regular cast of baby, priest, policeman and hangman, most of whom
were beaten, abused, killed or driven away by Mr. Punch; not forgetting the
children's favourite, the green crocodile. Professor Magor was aided and abetted
by his trainee Toby, a gentle collie called Bella, splendid in her red and
yellow ruff.
Village Society Coffee Morning Thursday
13th June, 10.30 -12 noon.
Do please come along and support this annual event in Burton Bradstock W.I.
Hall to raise funds for the Flower & Produce Show on 13th July. We would
very much appreciate any contributions to the cake stall, plants, bring &
buy, etc.
Carol Lumley
A reminder of the above published in the May issue of the Bride Valley News
page 14. Also enclosed was an invitation to all gentlemen and ladies who are
residents over the age of 60, to afternoon tea on Saturday 8th June from 3.00
p.m. to 4.30 p.m.. Closing date of 27th May has been extended to Tuesday 4th
RSVP to: Mrs Joan Gillett 25 Annings Lane Tel: 897656 or
Miss Gill Redford 2 St Lawrence Tel: 897203
Please advise if transport is required.
See page 8 of the May Bride Valley News. Last date for signature by local
residents is 5th June. Specially printed pages are located in the Post Office
and Library.
Your Parish Council sent condolences to Her Majesty The Queen on the death
of H.M. The Queen Mother. A letter has been received from the Palace. A copy
of the letter can be seen on the notice boards outside the W.I. Hall, the
Library and the Reading Room.
Once again our garden will be open on Sunday, 23rd June ( 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm
) in aid of the British Heart Foundation. There will be various stalls - plants,
books, bric-a-brac, raffles, teas etc., and musical entertainment provided
by Burton Bradstock Ceilidh Band (don't miss them!). Gifts of cakes, plants
and raffle prizes would be gratefully received.
We hope you will be able to join us in supporting this very worthy cause.
John and Veda Bull
Linden Cottage, Grove Road, Burton Bradstock.
A Date for Diaries Thursday July 11th
There will be a Garden Party in The Rectory Garden, Burton Bradstock in aid
of the Bridport Branch of the Alzheimers Society. There will be various stalls
and Cream Teas in the W.I. Hall.
Book up for Computer Training
There are just a few places left on the computer training sessions that will
be held in the Reading Room. The course programmes will run for 4 sessions
on 13th and 27th June and the 4th and 11th July with a choice of times either
1.00 - 2.30pm or 3.00 - 4.30pm.
The course is presented in a relaxed and friendly way and will
enable even complete beginners to create birthday cards, invitations, letters
and posters. The cost of the course will be £10 for the 4-session programme
so if you are interested you can request a place by e-mailing Karen Venn on
venn@cwcom.net or by telephoning 897094 preferably on Mondays between 5.30
and 6.30pm or Wednesdays between 3.30 and 4.30pm.
Karen Venn
Vice-President Chris Clarke welcomed members to the May meeting. The Resolutions
were presented by Diana Edwards and Sheila Pett on the importance to Support
Local Abattiors and Have Stricter Controls on the Importation of Foodstuffs
- after discussion members voted and agreed to support both resolutions.
Pat Raven took the social part of the evening and a History/ Geography quiz got brains working and also guess-the-famous-people from cunningly unusual photos arranged by Chris Clarke. June activities start off with the Spring Fair on the 4th, Fashion Show on the 6th and monthly meeting on June 11th when Mrs Linda Cox talks about ' The work of Trading Standards'
Mary Bailey has invited members to Cogden Farm for two afternoon sessions of croquet on the 18th & 27th June at 2.00pm, weather permitting. Jill Spinney
Lavender Trust Breast Cancer Care
Thank you to all the people who helped and supported my Coffee Morning in
April. We were able to send a cheque to them for £500.
Mary Rawles
Burton Bradstock Village
Web Site Address
www.burton bradstock.org.uk
Did you know that the Bride Valley News
is published on this web site every month?
In addition, did you know that old copies of the magazine
can also be viewed on the web site?
Village Correspondent: Mrs.Joy White
3 Gullivers Orchard Shipton Gorge
The Parochial Church Council next meets on Wednesday 19th June at 7.30
pm at Bonscombe Farm.
Shipton Gorge Plant Sale held in the Village Hall on April 27th made
£278. £139 went to St. Martin's Church and £139 to Joseph
Weld Hospice. Very many thanks indeed to all those who helped, gave plants
and came along.
Robert & Elizabeth Langran
Shipton Gorge Plant Swap/Coffee Morning
Don't Forget Saturday 15th June at 10.30am in the Village Hall
Plant swap plus coffee and a chat
All plants must be rooted and labelled with the plant name. See you there.
Geoff Shepherd ( 897490 )
The Village Hall Trust
The A.G.M. will be held on Wednesday 12th June in the Village Hall at 7.30pm
with the usual glass of wine.
Welcome to the village to Marian & Robert Connor Westcourt, Brook Street.
Shipton Hall 100 Club
Winners for the May Draw
£20 No:100 Richard Hewlett
£10 No: 14 Brian Thompson
A Mid Summer Jubilee Party will be held on Saturday 22nd June from 7.00pm onwards. It will take place by the lake at Rudge Farm if fine, or in the barn at Chilcombe Farm if wet. For further details 'phone Sue Diment ( 482630 ) or Barbara Fry ( 482596 ).
Village Correspondent: Mrs.Julie Lewis
4 Green Barton, Swyre
A big thank you to everyone who contributed towards my sponsorship for "The
National Asthma Campaign"
I have collected almost £600 through local support, friends and family.
This will contribute to the national Asthma campaign's aim to reach £360,000
from their team of runners to fund a number of pioneering research projects
this year.
It was fantastic experience with a carnival like atmosphere. All the hard
winter training up and down the Dorset hills and lanes was really needed to
get through the 26.2 miles. I completed it in 3 hours 49 minutes. The question
is, could I do better next year? Many thanks!
Stephen Griffith
As many of you are aware, there will be a dig in the valley over the above
weekend. The three sites are in Church Street, Puncknowle, Green Barton, Swyre
and Modbury Farm.
Can you help us?
There will be the opportunity for 12 volunteers to work alongside the archaeologists/students
in the trenches over the two days. Unfortunately, because of insurance stipulations,
volunteers must be over 16 years of age. In the event of too many volunteers
to be diggers a draw will be held and those who miss out will be offered the
opportunity to be pot washers, trench messengers or help out in the visitor
centre in Puncknowle.
We would also be very grateful for volunteers who could help with leaflet delivery, food preparation or with the ferrying of food to the trench sites.
I am sure that we can all make this a very enjoyable weekend for everyone
in the valley. The closing date to volunteer is the end of June, please
apply to Julie as above.
Dr Peter Northover/Julie Lewis
The Police Community Support Unit will visit Puncknowle Bottom on Thursday
20th June between 7.00 pm and 8.00 pm. Please call and meet the staff, who
are trained to deal with any Police matter and give advice on any other subject
relating to other official bodies and organisations.
Dorset Police
Please go along and have a look as this vehicle usually only comes as close
as Abbotsbury or Litton Cheney.
Andy Marshall - Home Watch
I have had to omit copy that I received without a name on, as I do not think
that it is appropriate to submit anything into BVN without knowing its source.
Would whoever posted it through my door please identify themselves to me so
I can include it in next month's issue.
Julie Lewis
Village Correspondent: Mrs Dorothy Barlow
Collingbourne, Hoopers Lane, Puncknowle
Telephone: (01308) 897761
Special Church Services
On 28th April and with a church containing many of Dick Kenton's family
and friends, beautiful new altar-rail kneelers were dedicated to his memory.
These had been beautifully made by Dorothy Barlow and Ann Roberts with a
little help from Hilda.
The next Sunday, May 5th, was Rogation Sunday, and at our Family Service
we asked God's Blessing on the land in and around the parish, and on all
who work it.
Jubilee Service
Our Family Service on 2nd June at 9.30am will take the theme of 'Jubilee',
and will be a fitting way of thanking God for our Queen's 50 years of service
and devotion.
Anthony Ashwell
Puncknowle Art Group
We are very grateful to Jennifer for her demonstration on oil painting and
Allana for her demonstration on water colours. Both involved much planning,
thought and gathering together of materials. We all appreciated and enjoyed
both meetings. Dates for June are 14th at the Crown and 28th when we are
painting at Maureen's.
Christine Molony
Well it is June already, and we received our National Inspection on the
23rd of April. It was a trying time for the staff and myself; as the inspection
was so new we really did not know what to expect. Except for a few alterations
in our policies and procedures, we flew through it quite well. Well done
Carol and Georgy.
We have now started Georgy off on her Diploma in Pre-school Practice course
and hopefully she will be able retrieve a lot of knowledge from it.
In September we, hopefully, are going to employ a new administrator and
also have some kind of permanent help on all three mornings. This will help
the parents with the parent helper rota and provide better adult/child ratios.
On the 20th June we have our Sponsored trike ride; our end of term party has been arranged as last year, weather permitting.
Fun night and Bar-b-Que Evening on the 27th July. We are looking for any
donations for our Grand Draw which will take place on the Fun night, [watch
out for the draw tickets on sale]. One of the prizes will be, we hope, a
large food hamper. If any one has any unwanted tins etc. that they would
like to donate, please pop them into playgroup or ring me. Thanks.
Finally I would like to welcome Lillani Hopkins, Wilfie Jervons and Eloise
Townsend. We also welcome back Tess and Eden Taylor who are coming along
to our Pre-school Sessions.
Fun Night and Bar-b-Que 27th July 7.00pm onwards
Sue Talbot [chairperson] 01308 482204
As many of you are aware, there will be a dig in the valley over the above
weekend. The three sites are in Church Street, Puncknowle, Green Barton,
Swyre and Modbury Farm.
Can you help us?
There will be the opportunity for 12 volunteers to work alongside the archaeologists/students
in the trenches over the two days. Unfortunately, because of insurance stipulations,
volunteers must be over 16 years of age. In the event of too many volunteers
to be diggers a draw will be held and those who miss out will be offered
the opportunity to be pot washers, trench messengers or help out in the
visitor centre in Puncknowle.
We would also be very grateful for volunteers who could help with leaflet
delivery, food preparation or with the ferrying of food to the trench sites
I am sure that we can all make this a very enjoyable weekend for everyone in the valley. The closing date to volunteer is the end of June, please apply to Julie, telephone number in Swyre section.
Dr Peter Northover/Julie Lewis
The Police Community Support Unit will visit Puncknowle Bottom on Thursday
20th June between 7.00 pm and 8.00 pm. Please call and meet the staff, who
are trained to deal with any Police matter and give advice on any other
subject relating to other official bodies and organisations.
Dorset Police
Please go along and have a look as this vehicle usually only comes as close
as Abbotsbury or Litton Cheney.
Andy Marshall - Home Watch
A warm welcome to Joan and Martin Worley and Ben who are now living in Hoopers
Don't forget to check the village website
to keep in touch with village events and find useful information
Village Correspondents:
Mrs. Gaynor Jones, 10 Manor Farm Close Tel.482517
Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston, 5 Manor Farm Close Tel.482384
From the Registers
Holy Baptism 5th May 2002 Callum Marshall Wallis
Queen's Jubilee Service
Our Church Service at 11.00am on June 2nd will take the theme of Thanksgiving
for the Queen's Jubilee.
Hugh and Mary Lantos have moved into Old Orchard (with their dog Charlie),
having been in rented accommodation in Long Bredy, and relishing the opportunity
to gain experience in Bride Valley living prior to their move. We wish them
a happy and fulfilling life amongst us.
...... and Goodbye
Well, almost. Sue Theobald has left Old Orchard and moves into her new home
in Fordington in the autumn. In the meantime, don't be surprised if you see
her in the village from time to time.
Anthony Ashwell
Jubilee Fete
Last call and reminder for THE FETE and the venue where you are strongly advised
to celebrate Jubilee Day - Monday 3rd June at Thorner's at 2.00 p.m.
If you have not already done so please get baking, digging and cooking and
look out some bottles, toys, books, goodies and nice old clothes and white
Don't miss out on the Grand Draw - make sure you have some tickets - if you
are not too keen on the smashing First Prize Mountain Bike then perhaps you
would prefer a scrumptious Sunday Lunch for Two at Summer Lodge, Evershot
(other prizes include an original painting by Paul Adams, a meal for two at
"No. 10" in Bridport, a Palmer's Brewery Tour for two, a set of
brandy glasses and many more).
Come and see the Maypole Dancing, cheer on your favourite Tug of War team,
relax with a yummy tea, follow the fortunes of Punch and Judy, enjoy a good
Bounce on the Castle plus lots of games and stalls stocked with bargains galore.
Don't forget this date for your diary!
Tuesday 11th June, Coffee Morning from 10.30 am at Glebe End, Litton Cheney.
All proceeds to the Joseph Weld Hospice. Stalls - Plants, Cakes, Books, Fancy
Goods - and a Raffle.
Any contributions for the stalls would be very welcome (ring 482404) but your
presence on the day especially welcome!
Nancy Vicars and Rachel Gershfield
Gardens Open for Charity on Tuesday 11th June from 2.00 - 7.00 pm. The Old Rectory, Steddings and Tithe Barn.
Litton Cheney Playing Field Association
A big THANK YOU to everyone who supported the Coffee Morning in April. We
are now halfway towards the £2000 we needed to raise by the end of June.
To those who made generous donations, we are particularly grateful and extend
a heartfelt thank you. We are having to finalise the details of the awards
we will receive and work with the Parish Council to agree if the work can
take place this year. So watch the space at the playing field! Our fundraising
continues with the Karaoke and Skittles Evening at The White Horse on Saturday
15th June from 6 pm. If you are able to help the playing field in any way
please contact Katharine Jones 482589
Litton Cheney Social Committee sent the donations from the Carol Singing and the Christmas musical evening to Naomi House - the children's hospice. The donation was gratefully received, the continued support from the village is greatly appreciated and the residents of Litton Cheney were sincerely thanked. This year is the 5th Anniversary of the children's hospice. They are holding two Open days on 14th and 15th of June and a celebratory service will take place at Winchester Cathedral on Sunday 16th June. If you are interested and want to know more about these events contact Elizabeth Kingston 482384
The Dorset Police Community Support Unit will be in Litton Cheney on Thursday 20th June from 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm.
Altar kneeler exhibition. Have you read the notice under Valley Notes?
We look forward to seeing you in the Church on 2nd or 3rd August. Mary Slark
Litton Cheney Youth Club continues to meet for those aged 8 - 17 years
who live in Litton Cheney and the surrounding area. The club meets fortnightly
on Tuesdays running two sessions from 6.30 to 8.00 pm for juniors and from
8.00 to 9.30 pm for seniors. For further details contact: Paul Kingston (Youth
Leader) 482384 or James Williams (Chairman) 482779.
Rosanna Brewster recently played her cello in a concert for the Dorchester Festival.
Caroline Smart has been nominated for the English squad of 42 swimmers
for the Commonwealth Games.
To all the new residents of Litton Cheney we extend a warm welcome.
Please note that due to the Jubilee Holiday being on the first Monday in June the web group will be meeting on Monday 10th June.
Visit the web site for the latest news.
The group meets at The White Horse Inn
at 8 o'clock on the first Monday of each month.
All welcome.
From the Registers
Burial of Ashes 19th April 2002 William Henry Marsh (Bill)
who died on 21st December 2001 aged 88.
Funeral (Weymouth Crematorium)
13th April 2002 Ivy Kathleen Welsh aged 97
the younger sister of Susan Bailey who died in September 2000 (aged 98). The
two sisters with their family (the Foots) lived their early life at Manor Farm.
Anthony Ashwell
Long Bredy Parish Council
Dog Fouling
There is great concern over the amount of dog fouling in the village, especially
in the playing field, which is dangerous for the children.
Please will dog owners clean up after their dogs, and if walking across the
playing field discourage their dogs from fouling, and if they do, clean up.
Thank you.
The end of an Era?
Ivy Kathleen Welsh (nee Foot), who died on 13th April 2002, was the last
remaining member of a family who held the Manor Farm at Long Bredy for most
of the last century. Her father and mother, Thomas and Anne Foot, coming from
mid-Dorset in 1913, brought with them their eight children - five girls and
three boys, who, as then customary, grew up to help in the various activities
of the farm to which had been added Cross Tree Farm at Litton.
By 1921 the business was well established when Thomas, at the age of 53, died of cancer. Anne, his wife, took over the running of the farms with her growing sons and all but one of her daughters remaining to help, especially with the milking.
She not only kept things going through the very difficult 1920s and 30s but even managed to put her two elder sons into their own farms, the youngest 'Bob' taking over Manor Farm and becoming a prominent figure in the life of the village until his tragic death in an accident on the farm.
Ivy, at the beginning of the war, left home to keep house for a Scottish farmer and his son in Hertfordshire. In 1940 she married the son and became a farmer's wife associated with many of the activities of the village of Benington. Together, in the same farm house, they lived into their nineties. After George's death, Ivy moved back to Dorset where she joined her elder sister, Susie, in the Steepleton Manor Residential Home and later in the Weymouth Nursing Home. There they shared a room till Susie's death in September 2000 and Ivy in April 2002, both in their late nineties, the last of the eight children.
Welcome to Frank and Pauline McLynn who are now living at Lattice Cottage.
Well done to Rory Adams who has won two trophies playing Mini Rugby. The most improved player in the team, and this is his first season.
The Flower and Art Festival 1st - 4th June.
It will be lovely to have as many people as possible bring flowers to the church
and join in the decorating on the Friday or Saturday morning.
Village Fete Saturday 13th July
Plans are going well. Offer of help on the day and prizes for the draw would
be very welcome.
Teas June Clewlow
Draw Elinor Frost
White Elephant Mike and Valerie Shepherd
Bottle Tombola Peter and Lavinia Palm
Produce Helen Fox
Children's Stall Harriet Sykes
Cakes Loraine Batchelor & Marjory Kinghorn
Books Juniper Greener
Plants Brian and Ann Peppiatt
We also have ferret racing, a bouncy castle, a children's painting competition
and lots of games.
The Jubilee Coffee Evening at Bridelands raised £157.35. Thank you to all who supported this happy evening.
June 4th will be a wonderful village party.
Members were invited to "Improve Your Memory in 45 Minutes" by speaker
Kate Greenaway at the May meeting.
After describing her experiences when she appeared in "The Weakest Link", she went on to give a highly entertaining and often hilarious talk. She described how to remember items such as names, car licence numbers, shopping lists etc. and said that keeping calm whilst struggling to remember helps. If all else fails, when an article is mislaid, a quick prayer to St. Anthony is recommended! She was warmly thanked by Hilary Green.
Posies were presented to Janet Gosbee, Jackie Cain and Jenny Cox.
President Elinor Frost reported on the Spring Council Meeting and an enjoyable
talk by gardener Ann Swithinbank. Names were taken for the visit to Stapehill
Abbey in June.
From the Registers
Burial 19th April 2002 Jack Kershaw
(after the funeral at West Knighton)
Anthony Ashwell
A warm welcome to little Rose Domino Shackleton, new daughter of Jasper & Jo, and sister for Edmund, at Top Parts, who was born on the 6th May. May her life be long, happy and fulfilled.
Looking backwards briefly, last month's gratitude to all concerned with the Easter celebrations in the village unfortunately overlooked the Lent Frugal Lunch in March. Thanks to all who prepared and attended it, raising over £130 for the Medair charity (which flies emergency medical staff and supplies to trouble spots around the world) in the process.
Now to the immediate present. At the time of writing, plans for the Village Party at the Village Hall during the Royal Golden Jubilee weekend are taking shape. By the time this appears, they should have been been finalised and made known to all. If anyone is still undecided as to whether to attend - please do!
Next up are Chris and Judy Yates' Open Days in the "Scented Garden", which, as usual, are held every Tuesday afternoon in June and July. Chris & Judy offer their annual apologies in advance if disorganised parking by visitors causes any inconvenience in the village. Attendances may be swelled this year from readers of a glowing article about the Scented Garden in a recent edition of "Gardens Monthly" magazine.
If any local potential visitors to the Garden are wondering when to go, there will be a special "Open Weekend" on the 22nd/23rd June (2.30 - 8.00 p.m.), with Cream Teas available during the afternoon, in aid of the Church Bells Fund. This is a very generous gesture by Chris & Judy, and deserves great support.
On the subject of the bells, it is hoped that the Smartie tubes are filling up... The Treasurer has begun to get a few back, but more are always welcome. An early date for your diary too: a Harvest Supper in aid of the bells is being planned for Saturday 28th September. More details to follow, but wide support would be appreciated.
And finally - nobody can say Littlebredy hasn't put its points forward in the ongoing debate about foxhunting, can they?!
The Parson Knows
Bishop Street Press: ISBN 0-9531802-1- 2: 258pp
This book is taken from the Parish Notes 1953-1968 by the Rev'd Oliver Willmott. It is the sequel to Yours Reverently, which covered the years 1948-1953. Oliver Willmott was for many years the vicar of Loders, Askerswell & Dottery.
Oliver Willmott wrote the following in July 1964:-
The labours of many Loders ladies, and of a few gentlemen, in making hassocks for their parish church, concluded in a memorable service of dedication on a Sunday evening in June. As the bells pealed overhead, a steady trickle of worshippers flowing down the path to the church grew into a stream, and by seven o'clock the church was well filled. Some of the new hassocks were on show in the windows and on the chancel pavement. An evening sun beaming on them and on the flowers made the scene very colourful. Soon the organ and the meaningful singing of 'We love the place' and 'Pleasant are thy courts' added delights of the ear to those of the eye. The hassock-makers were mostly sitting in the Ladye Chapel. At the appropriate time they filed up the nave, each holding a hassock, which they delivered to the Vicar at the chancel step, and he added them to the hassocks already on the chancel pavement. Then, kneeling on one of them, he dedicated them to the divine service. In the sermon he pointed out bits of the church which were the handiwork of long dead Loders' masons, carpenters and blacksmiths, and said that in his seventeen years ministry in the parish nothing had given him greater pleasure than the adding of this fine workmanship of Loders women, to the work of Loders men of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and onwards. After service the congregation moved over to the vicarage lawn for refreshments. A mild diversion was the spectacle of Vicar, Organist and Bass trying to coax the ale out of a keg whose tap was choked with hops. Nobody doubted that they would succeed, if it took them all night, but they struck oil before that. The hassocks are now in their appointed place, high on the backs of the pews, four to a pew. A Roman Catholic priest on holiday from Lancashire was admiring them the other evening, and remarked how to a visitor they gave the church the air of being loved and used.
Editor: Susan Paul Windy Gap Shipton Lane Burton Bradstock DT6 4NQ