Bradstock Village Hall Trust (BBVHT) fund raising event schedule
for 2016.
The BBVHT is a registered charity put
in place to run and maintain the Village Hall for the good of the
To this end we run a small number of fund raising events to contribute
to hall improvement projects.
Following a heavy investment year in 2015, when windows and guttering were replaced. 2016 will hopefully see a defibrillator installed at the hall and training in its use run, repainting inside and out, some roof repairs and a new shed.
Fund Raising Events run by the Hall Trust in the year 2016.
Friday 29th Jan and thereafter on most of the last Friday’s in the month.
Burton Bradstock Films, where for £5 you get to see a recent film and have a glass of wine. These are proving to be increasingly popular, doors open at 7pm, film starts at 7:30pm. Tickets from the Village Post Office or on the door on the night.
Sat 6th April Spring Quiz with Fish & Chip Supper.
A light hearted quiz evening with prizes, bar, raflle and Fish & Chip supper. Tickets from the Post Office prior to the event.
Bank Holiday Monday 30th May.
Burton Bradstock Village Fayre, a traditional Village fete for all the family with a host of stalls, games prize winning events and cream teas in the Village Hall.
Venue- Rectory Gardens
Entry -Adults £1, children under 12 free.
Saturday 3rd December.
Christmas Market. A Christmas focussed craft, general present and local interest market in the Village Hall, with the entry fee including tea/coffee and cakes. Normally runs from 10:00 to 12:30. To book a stall contact Richard or Val on 01308897648.
Sat 10th Dec.
The very popular Christmas Quiz, which includes bar, raffle, prizes and light supper. Tickets will be on sale at the Post Office prior to the event at the Post Office. Look out for posters with more details around the Village near the time. To book a team table call Richard or Val on 01308897648.