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Welcome to the Burton Bradstock Village web site. This site is a village effort to put together all that is important to the people who live

Golden Cap from Burton Beach
work and spend their leisure in the village. It has been arranged to be of interest to visitors to the area as well as local people

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Burton Bradstock, West Dorset, England in the year 2013


At the westerly end of Chesil Beach, nestling in the beautiful Bride Valley where the river Bride wends its way to the sea, lies Burton Bradstock, a pretty village of some 1,000 residents. Today, the heart of the village is still unspoilt with pretty 16th. and 17th. century thatched cottages clustered around the church of St. Mary the Virgin. The main part of the church is 15th. century although the north wall of the nave, with its two original windows, dates back a further 100 years or so. As with most villages, Burton Bradstock has had its share of developments of modern houses in the last century, but its central character remains intact. The village has a school, a shop, post office stores, cafe on the beach, two pubs, hotel, garage, Village Hall, Reading Room and even a library! Few modern villages can boast so many amenities. It has an impressive range of active groups including the Church, Women's Institute, Royal British Legion , Village Society, Burton Bradstock Players, Bride Valley Scout Group and Parish Council to name but a few. As part of the Millennium activities, the Parish Council funded the creation of this village web site. In addition to its aim of providing a wide range of useful and up-to-date information and contacts. Over the years, numerous books and articles have been published about the village and the surrounding area.:- A preliminary search has resulted in a useful list of books and publications for those wishing to learn more as well as a list of local writers and their books .  

A major section of this web site is History which includes over 1,000 old photographs, maps, documents and articles plus video clips and recordings. In addition, as Burton Bradstock lies on that part of the coast famous for its fossils, an article has been written for the village on the Jurassic Coast, as it relates to the village and the local area. On top of that, a preliminary investigation into the village's pre-history has also been obtained. The village has created a historic walk as part of its Millennium activities. The project entitled "Roberts' Trail", was instigated by the Parish Council with cooperation and some financial support from Dorset County Council and Dorset Community Action. It has been designed around the contribution Richard Roberts, an entrepreneur of the day, made to the village in the eighteenth century. Roberts built two water mills in the village to swingle (clean and ret) and spin/weave flax for a wide variety of products that were exported all over the world. His mills were the first of their kind in the west country, hence his initiative and foresight firmly established Burton Bradstock as the centre for the flax swingling/processing industry. A booklet with a map describing the trail is available (for a small charge) at the village post office. 

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Burton Bradstock Parish Council sponsor this site.

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